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Walking back through the castle doors felt like returning home.

We filed into the great hall and I took up my seat across from Ginny and Harry. Typical sister things included giving him shit when Ginny started to clean his nose.

Apparently Draco had gotten worse. Breaking Harry's nose before the year even started. I almost attacked from across the hall for it but Harry told me to wait until we weren't surrounded by professors.

I agreed but only because Draco wasn't the biggest threat at the time being.

Rumors had been traveling like crazy that Riddle's son was transferring here.

Of course that's all they were.... Rumors.... Well until a tall boy with a scar down his left eyebrow marched into the hall like he already owned the place. His confidence oozed danger as he scanned the hall till his eyes found Harry and then me.

Interesting. At least he's got his priorities straight. If he was going to try and hurt Harry he would have to get through me.

He slowly made his way to the Slytherin table and took up the seat next to Draco. Figures.

I rolled my eyes and met Harry's. "This year is going to be fun."

His gaze shifted with concern, "don't go picking a fight you can't win. He's a killer. He's not Malfoy."

I laughed and set down my fork. "There's no such thing as a fight I can't win. As for the Malfoy comment. That's a good thing, his weakness was starting to bore me anyways."

"Y/n" Harry cautioned. "Just stay away from them. I need to focus on preparing for this war and I can't be worrying about you."

"Don't worry about me." I said with a small laugh and he relaxed. I guess he assumed that I meant I won't go picking a fight. His assumptions were incorrect, but that didn't need to be said.

I looked past Harry and staring at me from across the hall, Mattheo's eyes met mine.

A smirk lay on his lips so I matched his. The statement was clear. Game on.

I moved my hand behind a bowl in the center where Harry couldn't see and stuck my middle finger in the air, still maintaining eye contact with Mattheo.

His smirk fell into a devilish glare which made me laugh again.

"What's funny?" Harry said pulling my attention back to the table.

"What? Oh nothing." I pulled my hands back and ignored the burning sensation in the side of my head I knew meant Mattheo was still glaring at me.

The rest of the meal went by quickly and I left the hall turning down an empty corridor.

You might be thinking, 'an empty corridor?! You are asking for trouble!' And yes. Yes I am.

I waited behind a pillar for a couple of minutes when on cue Malfoy comes strutting down the hall with his wand already drawn.

I may have forgotten to mention that this is like our little spot to square off without prying eyes.

I waited till he passed the shadowed corner I was hiding in and noticed he had brought Slytherins newest addition with him. Wonderful.

"Come on out Potter. I know you are there." He said down the corridor with his back facing me.

"Need backup in order to face me now?" I taunted and stepped out of the shadows. "Very brave of you ferret."

They turned to face me quickly. Draco looked riddled with annoyance but Riddle looked almost excited.

"Do you make a habit of wondering around dark empty corridors by yourself?" Mattheo spoke in a calm taunting tone. He stepped closer and I could feel his gaze travel up and down taking me in. I stilled a little as he walked a full circle around me, "not very safe for a pretty little thing like yourself." He rounded back in front of me. "Then again neither is making an enemy out of me."

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