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I woke up early and headed down to the dueling club to run through my morning routine.

Students aren't allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts, but something tells me that rule didn't apply to Draco and Mattheo. So if I'm going to stand a chance I need to put in the work.

I had slipped into black leggings and a loose T-shirt, packing my uniform to change into after.

As I reached the door to the dueling club I heard whispers echoing from the end of the hall.

Most people would have ignored them.... I did not.

I tiptoed down and pressed my body against the pillar out of view, muttered the disillusionment charm, and heard something I wasn't supposed to.

A voice that was unmistakably Malfoy's and I think Parkinson?

"We need to take a break for a little while." Draco said in a hushed tone.

"What why?" She responded hurt.

"Just for a little while. Riddle wants me to seduce female Potter so he can show her how easily manipulated she is."

For real? As if.

"I don't understand? Why?" She said trying to reason with him.

"His father told him he is not to touch Harry. That Harry is his fathers kill, but the sister he could do anything he wanted to. So long as it weakens Harry."

"But I'm not seeing where you seducing her comes in." She said it was clear she was fighting tears.

"Because it means we will have gotten into her head."

"Okay." Pansy whispered and I listened as their footsteps receded down the hall.

This was their play?

Malfoy? Seducing me?

I placed my hand over my mouth trying to contain my laughter. Boys always think with their dicks.

I rolled my eyes and crept back to the dueling club door. I threw it open and to make the morning even better, Mattheo stood there shirtless and sweating while dummies were scattered throughout the room.

The door creaked and his head shot in my direction. "Well we'll we'll what do we have here?" He stood up straight. In a moment of weakness my eyes scanned his abdomen, "my eyes are up here love."

I smirked and met his gaze, "but your six pack is down there. Much more appealing than that shit show of a face. If I have to deal with you this early in the morning, I might as well enjoy the sights right?"

"Eight pack." He corrected.

"God you are insufferable." I scoffed. "Are you almost done?"

His eyes locked on mine:

"What was it you wanted to practice?" His smirk insinuated he wasn't leaving anytime soon.

"A little bit of everything." I said stepping further into the room, letting the door close behind me.

"May I propose a duel?" He let out a low laugh. "I will make sure to throw a little bit of everything your way."

My brain screamed that this was stupid without warming up, but the devil on my shoulder took reign "You're on."

He spread out his arms in mock welcome and stepped onto the raised platform. I watched as he went all the way to the far edge.

I set my bag down in the corner and pulled my wand from my thigh strap. Then I slowly ascended the steps and took up my place.

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