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With Snape as the professor, defense against the dark arts was bound to be interesting.

Harry doesn't trust him, thinks he's still a death eater. If he is then having the class with the Slytherin's should make it all the more.... Exciting.

I walked in with Harry, but parted with him at the door. The Golden Trio always sat at the front together, but I made my way to the back to Theodore, Blaise, and Enzo.

As I approached Blaise pulled out my chair for me, pushing me in after I sat down. "What a gentleman." I joked like he hadn't been doing this every day since first year.

"For you, always." He smiled and plopped into the seat beside me. He wasted no time before kicking his feet into my lap under the table. He leaned back and put his hands behind his head. "Where did you disappear to after the party the other night?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

Theodore turned, suddenly extremely interested in the conversation. "I was kicking Riddle ass."

"That's my girl." Blaise approved and his eyes fell onto someone entering the class. His gaze darkened protectively and I had a good guess as to who it was. A smile formed on his lips and I knew that meant he saw the bruises from my heel that still resided on his neck.

"Did he try to hurt you?" Theodore looked very concerned.

"No he just waited for you to leave before forcing me to his room to tell me how pretty I looked in my dress." I said with as much sarcasm as I could muster. I met Nott's eyes and he flinched at my words. "Sorry that was a tad out of pocket." I amended.

"You did look pretty in your dress." Blaise shrugged, lifting his water to his lips.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"I shouldn't have left you alone. I am sorry." Nott said and I just shrugged.

"No worries. I can protect myself." I sent a wink at Blaise and he nodded his approval once more. "I will say that my outfit was even prettier with my heel embedded in his neck."

Blaise choked on his water.

We all busted out laughing and Enzo came running up to the table trying to figure out why were laughing, barely making it on time as usual.

Where is Malfoy?

Why do I care?

Leaning back I scanned the room where Riddle was still at the front talking to Snape. His eyes trained on me and he took it as an invitation to head our way.

"Incoming." I muttered under my breath turning back to the group and everyone stopped laughing understanding what I meant.

A hand wrapped around the back of my chair and tugged me backwards. Blaise reached for the arm of the chair to stop it, but he couldn't reach it with his legs still up.

His legs slid off my lap as I was dragged backwards to the empty table behind ours.

Riddle let go of my chair and slumped into the seat next to me. I turned and glared at him. "What the fuck?"

He just smiled at me and didn't respond.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Blaise raise from his seat and spin it around so he was sitting on it backwards at the new table right beside me. "I didn't know we were switching tables." He announced in a playful tone, but the daggers he was shooting at Riddle through his glare was anything but. The phrasing intentionally aimed as if Riddle wasn't even there.

"Yeah next time you want to move tables just let us know." Enzo said crossing from behind me to sit on Blaise's other side. Once again, pretending as if Riddle was not there.

"We wouldn't want to miss the chance to sit next to you, darling." Theodore said and he shoved a chair in between Riddle and I as if he weren't there before sitting down in it.

Nott wrapped his hand around me, resting it on the back of my chair and Blaise leaned forward on the table intentionally in my space trying to block me from Riddles view.

They may have been..... busy.... last night but Riddle had their full attention now.

And they were not going to sit back and let him fuck with me.

Riddle leaned forward on the desk like he was going to threaten or insult or something, but Enzo just kicked his feet up onto the table blocking him from being able to.

Riddle turned his head towards Enzo slowly, but Lorenzo just smiled and raised his eyebrows tauntingly.

For a second it appeared as if we had actually stunned Riddle. I bet he didn't expect a few Slytherin boys to so blatantly antagonize him on my account.

I couldn't fight the smile on my lips and a small laugh left my lips. Leaning back onto Theo's arm, I reached forward and gently pulled Blaise back.

At the sound of my laugh, Riddle shot me a glare, but I simply sent him the middle finger and moved back so that Blaise could put his feet back in my lap. He turned to the side on his backwards chair, so that he could see Riddle and Snape.

"You could have just pulled up a chair Riddle. Instead of making us all move over." I couldn't stop smiling long enough to glare at him.

Whatever plan he had for this class by isolating me at a table had ultimately failed.

"You weren't all supposed to move over." He said in a dark tone under his breath before leaning back in his own chair.

"Where she goes. We go." Blaise stated without looking at Riddle. But that was just it. It wasn't just a statement, it was a threat. "I am-" Blaise started and turned to sarcastically offer his hand to Riddle to shake.

"I know who you are Zabini." Riddle cut him off and turned to Theodore, "Nott." And then to Lorenzo, "and Berkshire." Each name laced with poisonous venom.

Blaise lowered his hand laughing and Lorenzo raised two fingers to his head in mock salute with an incriminating smile on his lips.

"You may know our names. But I assure you Riddle," Blaise paused placing as much venom into his name as Riddle has used on theirs, " that whatever you expect of us is an understatement. We are in Slytherin for a reason." An evil glint twinkled in Blaise's eye. "So next time I recommend that you ask nicely instead of yanking on our girls chair." Blaise smirked at Riddle across the table.

"Or what?" Riddle actually laughed.

Out of the corner of my eye I watched Enzo jokingly run his thumb across his neck.

Lorenzo may be kidding, but the message was clear.

"Try us and find out." Theodore added from my right. His arm still wrapped across the back of my chair tensed.

"I look forward to it." Riddle simply smiled and looked to the front of the class, ending the conversation.

This beginning the downward spiral into chaos....

Because Riddle meant what he said, but so did we.


A/N- hehehehhehehee who's ready for chaos?

I know I am ready to write chaos.

As promised I am taking opinions into account so if there is anything you wish to see happen or fun lines comment then here!!

Love you all!

As always my dm's are open, don't forget to vote!! <3

~1257 words

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