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⚠️ mature content ahead ⚠️


I looked down and his eyes were locked on mine as his hands disappeared beneath my dress and wrapped around the thin black lace thong I was wearing.

He pulled it down so slowly it was painful and I felt the heat tumble around inside of me.

As the lace hit my ankles, he moved his hand back up and pushed my dress up so that it resided just above my waist.

If you had told me 48 hours ago that Draco Malfoy would be about to eat me out, I'd have been concerned about your mental stability....

Turns out I should be concerned for my own.

Cause this is a cry for help if I have ever seen it.

But.... Here we are....

His left hand pressed on my waist, planting me against the wall while his right dipped in to see just how much I was enjoying the show.

Instantly his face turned up in a smirk.

"Oh I'm going to enjoy this." He growled before leaning forward and pressing his tongue beneath my folds.

He wasted no time beating around the bush and thank god for that.

His tongue instantly found my clit and he pressed against it hard before teasing it back and forth.

Instinctively I grasped his head to urge him keep going and I felt his smile against my heat.

My stomach was doing backflips as I reached a high painfully quickly.

But there was no way in hell I was letting myself cum to my enemy this fast.

As if he could sense what I was doing, he let out a low growl and aggressively plunged his tongue all the way inside me.

A small moan escaped my lips, but I held it in.

He dipped his tongue in and out of me repeatedly, but my undoing was when he pressed his teeth up against my throbbing clit while shoving a finger inside of me with the full length of his tongue.

My legs shook with the intensity of my climax, but his hand held me firmly against the wall and he didn't stop his movements.

He licked until my high stopped before finally pulling away.

"I think I'm going to enjoy this little deal of ours." I said tauntingly before reaching to pull down my dress.

"Who said we were done?" He smirked up at me as if he were in control while kneeling in front of me. "I intend on hearing that little sound you made as you climaxed at least three more times tonight."

And yes. I have completely lost my mind. "Then what are you waiting for."

He jumped to his feet and pressed himself against me, bringing his lips to mine.

I was kissing my enemy.

We'll kind of enemy, since we blurred the lines.

And it was amazing.

We kissed like we fought. Our tongues desperately trying to control each other and he let a moan slip as I palmed his front.

He pulled away abruptly. "Get on the bed."

He backed away and watched me as if I was going to follow his command.

"Make me."

His lip upturned. "With pleasure."

His hands were back on me with lightning speed, one on my neck and the other between my thighs. He fingered me exactly where I wanted as if he could find it in his sleep and gripped my throat tight enough to pull me off the wall.

He slid his fingers in and out of me quickly enough to bring me close to another high, but right before I tipped over the edge, he stopped.

A small hint of a growl left my lips and he chuckled darkly. "Want to follow orders now?"

He moved both hands so they gripped my thighs as he pulled me off the ground. In two strides he was at the base of his bed where he threw me back onto the mattress.

He smirked down at me and I had the strong urge to get up and leave out of pure defiance.

Sensing my thoughts he added, "don't make me tie you to the bed Potter. I figured we would take it easy on our first night, but if you so much as try to get off that bed right now, I'll strap you down and you will still be orgasming when breakfast starts tomorrow."

Now I really wanted to get off the bed.

God I'm horny.

Suddenly it occurred to me just how I might use this particular scenario to my advantage....

"If you can get my wand from Riddle then I'll let you do your words. I'll even follow your orders." I taunted. "But if not, I'm afraid tonight stops here."

His eyes darkened as he weighed my words.

"Where is it?"

"His dresser."

He growled in frustration, but didn't argue. "I'll be right back. Don't move."

And he turned and left.

Just like that.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.



How was I supposed to turn down that offer?

My enemy following my orders as I made her orgasm over and over. Whatever I wanted.

All for retrieving a fucking wand?

I would get that wand if it killed me.

She may have thought I was joking, but she has been my guilty pleasure since the day we met.

My thoughts were almost always focused on her.

The one girl who never submitted to me.

The one girl who always fought back.

Oh I would get that wand.

And then I would tie her to the bed and edge her until she begged for me to let her cum.

Or maybe I'll see how well she follows orders.

Fuck. My dick was so hard it was painful.

I'd I walk into Mattheo's room with a boner he may kill me.

It may be a suicide mission but tell that to my dick.

I rounded the corner at the end of the hallway.

And knocked on Riddles door. "It's open." He called from inside.

Well. Here goes nothing.


A/N- hehehehehhe

Sooooo here's the thing... it make look like I haven't been writing this past week but that is entirely not true....

In fact, I have about 10 chapters for this book later on now written.... I have direction.... And a big evil diabolical plan....

Some twists that even I didn't see coming till I thought of them spontaneously and wrote them down....

Yes you should be scared. If Torn Between Two Riddles taught you anything.....

I will always have something up my sleeve.....

As always, my dm's are open!!

Don't forget to vote!! <33

~1110 words

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