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I cannot believe that shit worked.

I was twirling her wand in my fingers when three knocks sounded at my door. I glanced at the clock, what the hell is Malfoy doing at my apartment at 1:30 am?

Out of curiosity, I cracked the door open.

"What?" I growled at him.

"I uh-" he seemed to have glitched trying to decide how to phrase his next words.

I raised my eyebrows encouraging him to spit it out when I noticed how his outfit was ruffled and he smelled like- "you stink of sex man. You better not have come here for a condom or some shit." My nose wrinkled in disgust.

"No. I- fuck nevermind." He turned and sprinted off.

Coward. Sorry for whatever girl is unlucky enough to be waiting for him.

I went back to messing with her wand, a part of me wanted to snap it. But I just couldn't.

It was so intricately designed, it would be a shame for a wand this..... pretty? To be broken.

Plus taunting her with it is bound to be the hilight of my day tomorrow.

Plus taunting her with it is bound to be the hilight of my day tomorrow

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I am currently on the walk of shame from Malfoy's room.

Never thought that would be a sentence from my mouth.

In the time it took Malfoy to fail to retrieve my wand my common sense hit me like a brick and I secretly prayed he wouldn't get it.

When he showed up empty handed, I simply excused myself with a bucket full of excuses.

Malfoy? Malfoy.

I tiptoed into the bathroom careful not to wake Harry and looked at myself in the mirror.

Y/n what the fuck were you thinking?!

I whisper-scolded myself. UGH.

I looked down, what the fuck were YOU thinking?!

Laughing at myself slightly, I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair before slipping into the shower and then to bed.

My alarms rang and a frightening SIX AM.


But if my plan was to work I would have to beat Riddle to the dueling club.

No way was I about to let him torture an innocent first year. Step 1 to stopping him, get my wand back.

When the dueling club was empty, I silently sang my praise.

Okay, focus. I can do this.

Wandless magic is hard, but I have been practicing these last couple years and I can do a simple disillusionment spell..... in theory....

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