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"I've got a few items I must get first. Meet me tomorrow night in my dorm and I'll explain the plan." They all nodded but Blaise was still very tense. "Or would you rather help me gather the items so you can start your revenge immediately?" I offered more to Blaise than anyone.

I know our girl has to be exhausted after the day and will likely need a shower and a nap. Whereas, Theodore will probably ask to join her and we will all act like he isn't desperate to break the number one rule of the friend group. 

And I need to work out the tension in Blaise before he gets himself killed.

"Please." He met my gaze with a clenched jaw.

I patted him on the back and nudged him away from the group, "alright then we are off. See you two tomorrow night." And with a wink towards y/n, I turned around and headed off with Blaise.

Once we rounded the corner out of her sight (so she wouldn't get mad at me) I gave him a nice good playful shove.

He turned and glared at me.

"Lighten up. She's strong. She can handle herself. We all knew this day was coming. The targets have been tattooed on her skin in red ink for years."

"Don't you think I fucking know that?" He shoved me back a little harder than would be considered playful. "It doesn't make it any easier to see her hurt and know we are powerless to prevent it from happening again."

He stepped up closer till we were inches apart and practically growled. "Maybe instead of waiting to heal what's been hurt we slit his throat while he's asleep tonight. Hmm?" Blaise said through clenched teeth.

"You would get yourself killed and you know it. Then she would die trying to kill him on your behalf. And I'll be down the both of you, so no. I need you to fucking calm down." I shoved him back again. Maybe a little harder than I should've.

He cursed under his breath and pinched the bridge of his nose as if contemplating all of his options.

"Why don't we just do what we do best?" I smiled.

"He is going to know it's us."

"Probably." I shrugged and a devilish gleam sparkled in my eyes as I smiled bigger. "All the more reason to be honest."

Finally he let out a small laugh. Running his fingers through his hair he let out a long sigh that he'd been holding in since the second Riddle stepped foot in class. "So which secret passage are we taking to zonkos?"

"There's my boy." I laughed while reaching out and pulling him into a headlock.

He playfully shoved me off and began laughing like he normally does.

"Let's give him a new kind of hell."



The second they rounded the corner, I knew I was going to be left to a difficult decision.

Nott turned to me and gently brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. "May I join you?"

There it was.

Do I invite him in? Will this be the time he finally crosses the line of friendship?

Do I really want to spend the night alone after the day I had?

"I am just going to shower and take a nap. I won't be good company."

"I don't mind. Besides it will help ensure you don't have to face him alone for the night if anything happens." He smiled softly and I swear the look he gave is considered puppy-dog eyes by some.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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