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As we neared his door my panic tried to rise again, but at this point panic would get me nowhere.

It was clear whatever happened next, someone would walk away with the first real victory of whatever game we were playing, and the other would lose something.

What would we lose? Dignity? Pride? A piece of ourselves.

I guess we'll find out.

But one thing is for certain.

It's them or me.

Mattheo wrapped his hand around the handle and opened it wide, motioning for me to enter.

I took deep breaths and slowed my racing heart as I stepped inside the devils domain.

I only kept my back to them for a few paces. Turning quickly I watched as Riddle motioned for Draco in some sort of code.

Next thing he was walking around me.

They were blocking me in. In front of and behind me.

Riddle put his hands on my waist distracting me long enough that Draco was able to slide my wand out of the thigh strap I kept it in.

I kept my arms folded and glaring deadly at Riddle.

"Malfoy I recommend you put that back before I make you regret ever thinking of putting your hands on me."

"Don't worry Darling. You won't be needing it." Riddle said gripping my waist harder.

I made no attempt at removing them.

That was what he wanted.

He wanted me to fear what he would do to me.

But I am the sister to the fucking chosen one.

The target was permanently engraved into my back the day the prophecy was made about Harry.

And I have been taking self defense my whole life. Used to sneak out of my wretched Aunts house to the gym two blocks away for them.

It didn't matter that I was slightly tipsy, in a tight little dress, and heels. It didn't even matter that the enemy had my wand.

I was not defenseless.

"You may leave us Malfoy. Leave the wand on the dresser."

He hesitated. As if somewhere deep down in his necrotic heart, a part of him wanted to help her.

But it faded quickly and he followed his commands.

As the door shut, my confidence strengthened. One on one.

"Now look whose unprotected." My eyes darkened at the smirk on his face.

"You think I need protection?" His laugh was cold.

And then it happened.

So fast, if you blinked you might have missed it.

He took his hands off my waist, aiming for my throat.

In the split second I was free, I shifted my weight and grabbed his arm twisting.

He faltered and I was able to get my shoulder under his chest as I lifted and sent him tumbling over my body.

He landed on his back with a loud thud.

Quickly, I moved and positioned my heel so that it was directly crossing his neck.

As I pressed down, he struggled to breathe bringing a smile to my face. "Yes. I'd wager you need protection."

He coughed on the stale air in his lungs.

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