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Snape began running through all kinds of hexes and jinxes that are commonly used in intense duels which sent most of the class nodding off.

"How about a demonstration?" Mattheo Riddle called out wearing that infamous smirk of his.

"A demonstration?" Snape drawled out.

"Pick students to duel and coach them through it. Might be more productive then lecturing at us."

"Very well. Any volunteers?" Snape said waving his hand and the desks vanished.

We all moved our chairs to the edge of the room and Riddles next words left a bad taste on my tongue.

"Oh I think y/n would love to volunteer to duel me."

Blaise tensed beside me and I turned to glare at Riddle. "Careful Riddle, can't use the unforgivable curses on me in here. Without them, do you really believe you could beat me."

He stepped behind me, pressed himself against me and leaned down. "Oh my sweet nemesis," he hummed in my ear, "you never know when to shut that pretty little mouth of yours do you?"

I shrugged him off me and Blaise stepped forward ready to fight the guy. Stopping him from fighting him in the middle of class, I grabbed his arm and led him toward one end of the now formed area for the duel.

"Say the word and I'll duel him in your place." Blaise gave me a serious look.

"I won't be seen as a coward. Besides it's not the first time." His eyes rose at that and he looked slightly angry. "I'll explain later."

Mattheo walked out into the space and bowed towards me, mockingly I did the same.

"Before we begin, rules should be set in place to ensure-" Snap started.

"It ends when someone bows out. Or should I say, whenever she physically cannot take anymore."

Snape simply nodded as if he were the assistant and Riddle was the one in charge.

"You are going to regret making those the terms." I said readying my wand.

"I guess we will see about that."

He didn't wait the for the customary countdown, before exploding the floor at my feet throwing me off balance as the wind was knocked from my lungs and I was thrown into the back wall.

I could feel the bruises already appearing, but I wasted no time just cast as many curses as I could think of. He deflected the first few but was hit in the chest by a rictusempra curse when he attempted to throw an offensive curse of his own.

He twisted through the air, but I held my eye's contact and the spell withstood.

It was hard trying not to laugh as he twisted around on the ground laughing as the tickle curse reverberated though his body. Lots of the class had begun laughing at him.

His eyes darkened and he finally broke the curse, stumbling back to his feet.

His jaw clenched and I smiled innocently, "awe the devil's son is ticklish, how adorable."

"I hate you." He growled and readied for round two.

"What kind of nemesis would you be if you didn't?" Instinctively I cast protego sending his offensive spells ricocheting into the crowds of students.

"Professor Snape don't you think this is getting a little out of hand?" I heard Blaise yell accusingly when my protection charms began to falter. After being ignored I could feel his attention return to me.

My Sweet NemesisWhere stories live. Discover now