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"We need to talk"

His eyes trained on me as if hyper analyzing my every move.

Instinctively my hand reached for the strap that held my wand.....

But it wasn't there....


His eyes followed my movements and seemed to understand what was going on.

"I am not your enemy here." His eyes met mine and he held his hands out for me to see. "I have never wanted to be your enemy."

"So the relentless harassing the last five years was what? Banter?" I said mustering as much sarcasm as I could in hopes confidence might scare him off.

How was I going to get my wand back from Riddle?

"There is a role that I am forced to play. What kind of pureblood Slytherin heir would I be if I had befriended you?"

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, trying very hard not to make fun of that statement.

As much as I love instigating..... maybe I should wait till I have the proper tools to defend myself....

"Look. Riddle sees me as his sidekick or whatever, but I don't want to forever be remembered as the devils ally." He took a step closer, shortening the already limited distance between us. "I can help you."

Suddenly memories began resurfacing about what exactly Malfoy was tasked with doing.

And everything made sense.

"I have to hand it to you Malfoy. Setting up the whole 'saving me from Riddle' that you just pulled off is an impressive deception technique. If I didn't already know your mission was to seduce me, I might have actually fallen for it." I smirked and this time I stepped forward.

His face fell and his mask slipped.

I watched as his jaw tightened and his eyes darkened, "just so you know, I told him you would never fall for me."

"Well it looks like you were right for once." I held his gaze. "Pity you went to such lengths to follow orders" I put emphasis to insinuate I knew he had broken up with Parkinson for it.

"I wouldn't say it was too much of a sacrifice. Especially if there was a chance I would be successful."

I actually laughed. "In what world would I ever fall for you..." I paused. "In what world would I be attracted to a ferret." I smiled innocently up at him while lacing my words with sweet venom.

Before I could react, he wrapped a hand around my throat and pushed me up against the wall. His other hand grazed the empty strap where my wand usually is and he smiled. "Missing something are we?"

His thumb on the hand gripping my throat lightly trailed the column of my neck, "we could put or differences aside for one night-"

"Go to hell." I narrowed my gaze and shifter to free my right hand where it had been trapped behind my back, but he was quick to grab it with his spare hand and trap it against the wall.

"Oh come on darling." He leaned in and whispered next to my ear. "Imagine the hate sex we could have." He leaned away again and smiled innocently, slightly cocking his head to the side, "I promise you'll orgasm more in one night than you have in your entire life."

"Why? So you can run back to Riddle and give him a play by play?"

"We can just invite him to come watch if you want to skip the middle man."

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