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(A/N: if the text is in italics then it is happening in their heads. Talking mind to mind.)


This party was bound to be either a disaster or a raging success.

Everyone in Slytherin and Hufflepuff would be there plus a select few from Ravenclaw, but like most years Ginny and I would probably be the only Gryffindor's in attendance.

We got ready in her room to save ourselves prying questions from the golden trio.

She wore a tight black dress that came down to just above her knees.

My original plan was to wear a green dress but since my stomach was still pretty injured I figured it best to wear red. In case I bled through the bandage.

My red dress was also tight and hugged my curves well, stopping just low enough to cover everything.

Most would call it slutty... and they would be right.

Might as well flaunt the body I have while I'm young and fit though right?

Besides almost every girl there would be dressed the same.

Slipping on our heels, we made for the Slytherin common room.

The password was 'pureblood' as if that's not predictable as hell.

The door slid open and I had to hold in my gasp as we entered.

They had decorated the common room to look like an evil ballroom. It was gorgeous.

I'm sure it took Blaise hours of screaming at everyone till it was perfect.

But it was perfect.

Blaise, Nott, and Enzo waved us down towards the dance floor so we made our way down the entrance steps and joined them.



I just happened to look up and there she was.

Walking into Slytherin domain wearing Gryffindor colors and with her arm linked with a blood traitor.

It took me a second to get over my disgust to realize, she had walked into Slytherin domain. Unprotected?

Maybe she's not as smart as I thought she was.

I watched her trail the entrance steps, in a slutty dress that had boys from all directions avert their gaze to her.

But she paid them no heed. Her eyes trained on a trio of boys at the edge of the dance floor.

Of course it was them.

The three boys in Slytherin that cared more about partying and girls then actually upholding the legacy of this house.

But if she thought she was safe in here because she has them..... then she couldn't be more wrong.....

I just had to bide my time.



We danced for hours. Music shifted from slow to fast and back, but it didn't matter cause we did not stop. Quite literally till my legs felt like jelly.

(A/N: IF YALL ARW LISTENING TO MUSIC MIGHT I SUGGEST 'Me and the Devil' by Soap and Skin)

The music shifted once more from fast to slow and Theodore walked up to me with an extended arm, "may I have this dance beautiful?"

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