A Troubling Suprise

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Gus POV~

Someone was shaking me awake, opening my eyes I saw Matt talking to BQ about the way back to the castle. With the sun hitting Matt just right he looked angelic.

"Oh, you're awake" Matt commented, looking away from BQ.

This is why I loved him.

Suddenly a thought hit me. 

"I just remembered that today is my birthday!" I squealed.

Matt looked up again determination sparking his gaze.

"Well, I guess we will have to do something special on our way back. We just gotta be careful to not get caught by the Collectors spies of Bria's crew."

"Yeah!" I exclaimed. Today would be a day without trouble for it was my birthday.

We emerged from the back cave with directions to the castle in mind, and a fun day ahead.

Mattholomule POV~

We walked out of the back cave together. I hadn't seen Gus this happy since before the DOU happened.

Seeing Boscha emerge with twigs and shredded paper in her hair I commented,

"Boshca, you look like fucking shit."

"Well, an ugly rat once taught me this wise saying: 'NoOo I tHoUgHt I wAs RuNwAy ReAdY'" She retaliated.

Realizing what she was talking about we both burst out laughing until we were crying. The fact that Gus looked so clueless made it even more fun.

After thanking BQ for directions we head out and I knew just where to take Gus.

Filling Boshca in on the plan we set off.

Covering Gus's eyes when nearing the location, I knew he couldn't wait to find out where we were.

Lifting my hand slowly we revealed the mystery spot. Gus's house.

His eyes started watering and I was sure I made a mistake.

"Nonononono Gus don't cry, are you okay do you need to leave it's okay if you do." I rambled trying to make it better.

Gus turned to me and wiped his eyes. I could tell he was holding back a tidal wave but I didn't prod further.

"No, this is perfect, I was hoping to see this place soon but, it still shocks me to see how empty it is, and *sniff* I just really miss my dad," Gus said.

I enveloped Gus in a hug and he started to cry on my shoulder.

He pulled away worried "I shouldn't cry you were doing something good." He stated.

"Take this as a 'Thank You' For all that you've done for me." Gus just nodded.

From there we spent the day looking at pictures and grabbing his belongings before going to the castle.

To put it bluntly, we weren't welcomed with open arms by Bria's crew when we got back but apparently, Luz caught her in the act of kidnapping us and exiled her and was watching her friends carefully.

With peace, we had a birthday celebration for Gus.

Little did he know I had something of my own that I had been sneaking out some nights with Luz to set up....

Human Rain (Gustholomule- Gus x Matt)Where stories live. Discover now