Song of Panoramics

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He - Like ice angel storms or like peace or like God alone or like ice storms or like snow storms or like ice storms or like angel ice fire snow angel snow ice storms or like ice storms or like snow angel ice snow storms or like ice storms or like ice storms or like heaven or like angels or like falls or like creation or like ice angel fire lava magma ember storms or like ice snow angel snow storms or like Eden or like REST IN PEACE ABEL or like snow ice angel storms or like ice storms or like angel ice snow ice snow or like snow storms or like ice snow storms or like angel niceless or like St. Enoch or like portals ice snow storms or like angels or like floods or like Babel or like Abraham or like Isaac or like Jacob or like ice snow storms or like angel ice storms or like ice storms or like ice storms the 12 or like ice snow angel storms or like ice storms angels Exodus Moses prince or like ice storms angels learned blood or like ice storms or like ice storms or like ice storms or like angel storms or like ice storms or like angels or like power or like ice storms angel plume ice snow fire or like ice storms or like Arabia or like Zipporah or like Jethro or like 80 or like plagues or like manna or like ice or ice.
She - Like ice storms or like angels storms lava ice magma ice snow shock ice snow or like Korah's rebellion or like arms or like crosses or like gold calves or like tablets or like glowing countenances or like storms or like angel storms or like ice storms or like snow storms or like ice storms angels or like snakes or like Joshua or like Phinehas or like spears or like sin or like snakes or like ice snow stars angels sand Promised Lands ice storms angels ice storms fire lava ice storms angels or like angels storms or like angels or like ice storms fire lava ice storms Leviticus counting Jews Balaam Balak ice storms angels storms ice storms fire lava ice storms laws ice storms angels Aaron Miriam Jochebed Amram ice storms angels snow storms fire ice snow ice fire snow ice fire snow ice fire ice snow ice fire angels ice snow ice storms ice angels ice storms ice storms ice angel fire lava ice snow Nebo Joshua division Rahab Salmon walls or like fall or like Jericho sun still ice snow ice angels Jordan riven twain ice snow angels snow ice snow angels Judges tent pegs songs Gideon fleece Ehud swords Samson dreads ice storms angel ice storms ice angel shock ice storms more in death than life fuck rape or like fuck murder or like ice storms angels ice storms shock ice storms or storms.
St. Boaz - God bless St. Ruth! Like ice storms or like ice storms or like angel ice shock ice snow ice snow ice snow ice snow ice snow ice snow ice snow ice snow Naomi famines or like threshing or like perfume or like marriage or like Samuel or like rare visions oil Saul David or like Goliath swords ice storms angels blood ice storms snow storms or like harps or like angels ice storms caves cloth sleep spears Philistia utter madness or like fucking acting or like ice storms angels storms ice storms Jonathon besties arrows ice storms codes arrow bearers ice storms snow angel storms utter madness slain gazelles Bathsheba Jedidiah ice storms angel ice storms Abigail Ahinoam 10 thousands not thousands kings war ice storms angels fucking ice storms or like ice storms fuck Amnon ice storms pity Tamar fucking utter fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking, fucking madness, unwordable ice storms angels coups ice storms unfaithful women tents roofs """""""If God asked him to curse, who could ask him to stop?""""""" hair hanger fucking unfortunate censuses ice storms angels ice storms ice storms angels Solomon or Solomon.
St David - Like ice storms or like ice angel storms or like ice storms or like snow storms or like ice storms or like ice angel ice fire lava ice snow shock miasma largest sacrifice attempted stolen thrones ice storms fire falls ice storms angels peace on fucking earth prosperity richest, wisest GOAT ice storms or like snow storms or like angel storms shock ice snow miasma ice snow ice snow ice snow storms angels shock ice snow storms ice snow ice shock ice storms angels ice storms snow ice hail sleet ice storms pride fucking genuinely a good man birth to death tho 1,000 wives prodigality fucking mistakes repentance, meaningless, Canticle, Proverbs Rehoboam, folly ice storms angels ice storms snow ice storms ice snow storms 2 kingdoms ice storms ice snow angels ice storms gold valves gold to bronze ice storms angels ice storms ice storms snow storms blizzards ice avalanches hurricanes tornadoes ice storms God's hands ice storms Jeroboam ice storms ice storms 2 kingdoms snow storms angel ice snow storms shock ice snow storms ice neon ice storms shock snow ice storms angel snow ice storms ice snow storms ice snow storms or like ice storms angels ice storms Elijah ravens angels oil food widows dowsed altars fire falls ice storms angels shock ice storms snow storms ice angel storms ice storms ice snow angel shock ice storms ice snow storms 2 kingdoms Carmel ice storms Elisha fire chariot ice storms snow storms bears ice storms arrows window arrows floor ice storms angels ice storms axehead floats ice storms dead man touched him but arose ice storms snow storms angel storms ice shock ice storms ice snow storms shock ice snow storms ice angel ice shock ice storms ice storms snow ice storms ice angel ice snow storms angels shock ice storms snow storms angel storms or storms.
St. Isaiah - Like ice storms angels Philistia, Phoenicia, Edom, Egypt Moab Tyre Sidon ice storms angels fire swords plagues 3 yr nude ice storms angel ice storms snow storms angel ice storms real time ice storms angel storms upraised for me ice storms angel storms Jericho Bethlehem Jerusalem Samaria ice storms angel storms neon ice storms niceless neatless ice storms ice storms snow storms islands lonely islands ice storms angel storms snow storms angel ice shock ice neon ice storms ice storms snow storms angel storms ice storms ice storms angel ice shock snow storms ice angel ice snow storms live forever or fucking St. Isaiah sawn asunder by Manassah cry ice storms angel storms ice neon ice snow storms St. Jeremiah ice storms no Zedekiah a mean or like rude or like impolite or like cruel man or ice storms or fire chests or snow storms angel ice storms ice snow storms angel snow storms or ice snow storms ice angel storms snow storms or ice angel shock plumes wells jails Lamentations order snow storms ice storms major minor ice storms snow storms angel ice storms or storms.
St. Jonah - Like ice storms angel snow storms angel ice snow storms Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes ice snow storms ships storms whales fish ice storms fuck all ice storms angel ice snow storms Ninevah heroes Christs Jonah like Jesus Leviathan Behemoth dragons ice storms angels Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes kingdoms fight each other, others, false prophets true prophet, hit, jail, true dreams Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes ice storms angel ice storms snow storms shock ice storms angel ice snow neon storms angel storms Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes Joshua in dirty rags ice snow storms angel snow storms ice snow storms Babylon-comes rainbow horses snow ice storms Hosea Gohmer, angry kids made loving, angry wife made love ice storms angels Babylon-comes or Babylon-comes.
St. Moses - Like ice snow storms angel storms ice snow storms angel storms ice snow storms ice snow storms angel ice storms snow ice snow storms ice angel snow storms ice snow storms ice angel ice shock storms Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes coups Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes idolatry, fuck murder, fuck rape, ice storms angel ice storms snow shock ice storms, angel ice storms Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes ice snow storms angel ice snow storms blood, suffering, utter grief, pregnant women fucking slain, fires, kids fucking passing away, priests or like prophets drunk diluted wine, bread only sold, cannibalism, utter madness, fuck rape, fuck murder, no good kings, ice storms angel ice snow storms ice snow storms Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes.
St. Jeremiah - Lamentations, utter grief, languish, anguish, hatred, idolatry, suffering, utter grief, cry ice storms wells like tears day or like Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes fucking ice storms angels ice storms 1,000 years no David, no Solomon, no Asa, no Hezekiah, languish, anguish, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes utter madness, fucking ice snow storms angel ice snow storms angel ice storms snow ice storms or like ice snow storms or like Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes languish, anguish, cry snow storms angel ice snow storms ice snow angel cry snow storms, right snow storms angel ice snow storms idolatry, no church, nor like love fucking Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes, Babylon-comes dim diamonds or like pearls, sapphires, emeralds, rubies, black jewels, fire ice snow storms angel ice snow storms, black fire snow ice storms, Babylon-comes, Israel's gone, Nebuchezzar shadows moonwalk, ice snow fire angel ice storms Zedekiah's eyes out, kids gone, chains, Babylon or Babylon-came or Babylon already came or came ice snow storms angels ice snow storms snow ice fire ice snow storms empty countries arrogance pure arrogance, arrogance hatred or hatred.
Newton - Ice snow storms angel ice snow storms Hadassah Esther ice storms Mordecai ice storms angel snow ice storms Mordecai won't pray to Haman so Haman plots to kill all Jews but Esther risks her fucking unwordable fucking life Xerxes actually fucking spares her ice storms angel ice snow storms angel snow ice storms ice storms angel ice storms angel snow shock ice snow storms angel ice snow ice storms angel ice snow storms ice snow storms angel ice snow storms Mordecai exulted Purim furnaces ice storms angel snow ice storms lions's dens ice storms angel snow ice storms Haman passed away fucking dreams time, times, half a time, 2,300 days, sanctuary ice snow storms angel ice storms statues, trees God on a throne with angels and fire below, book open ice snow ice storms fucking ugly goddamned nightmare beasts fighting, Daniel to disturbed to leave bed, ice storms angel snow ice storms REST IN PEACE DANIEL ice storms snow or snow.
St. Ezekiel - Like ice snow or like snow ice snow storms angel ice snow storms lava ice snow storms angels shock ice snow storms ice snow storms angels ice storms lava magma sparks scorch live coals Oholah Oholibah sides for Israel more Judah ice storms angels ice storms riddles ice snow storms angels ice storms snow storms shock ice storms snow ice angel shock ice storms snow ice storms angels ice snow storms utter grief death, water at feet, ankles, shins, knees, hips, navels, breasts, shoulders, turbans, swim ice snow storms angels ice snow storms angels 2nd temple ice snow storms angels ice storms Ezra Nehemiah help rebuild ice snow storms Jewish men marrying idolaters Ezra beatin' 'em up ice snow storms angel ice storms beards pulled men sorry ice snow storms angel ice storms Artaxerxes snow storms angels royal help ice storms angel ice snow storms shock ice storms ice storms angel ice storms silence baptisms REST IN PEACE JOHN THE BAPTIST Christmas unwordable passion acts ascension Pentecost ice storms REST IN PEACE STEPHEN ice storms angels ice storms REST IN PEACE 12 AND PAUL ice storms angels ice storms miracles evangelism ice storms or storms.
St. Paul - Like ice storms angel ice snow storms angel ice snow storms neon ice snow storms snow angel ice storms snow ice angel storms ice snow angel ice snow neon ice snow storms angel neon ice snow storms snow storms angel ice storms shipwrecks courts """Remember our chains"""" ice storms snow storms angel ice snow neon ice shock ice storms ice neon ice snow storms angel ice snow ice neon ice storms miracles, Athens, Thessalonica, ice snow angel ice snow ice snow angel ice snow angel fire lava ember ice snow angel bubble nature ice snow storms snow ice angel ice storms ice snow angel ice snow storms angel ice snow storms lava ice snow storms ice snow shock ice snow storms angel ice snow storms Galatia, Ephesia, Collisae, Rome, Nicodemus, Marys, fuck flattery, St. Joseph of Arimithea, Tertullian ice snow angel ice snow storms snow ice angel bubble ice snow ice angel blizzard ice snow storms angel ice snow storms angel snow ice snow ice snow storms coliseums or coliseums.
Tertullian - Christians were seen like the fucking worst criminals, St. Cecilia survived a burning bath for a day, St. Lucy wouldn't move, and survived fire, St. Sebastian survived arrows, St. Lumena survived floggings, drownings, arrows ice storms angel ice snow storms, St. Margaret survived dragons fire, water snow ice angel ice storms snow ice angel snow storms angel ice plume plumage ice snow storms, St. Agnes survived dragging her hair covered her ice storms angel ice snow storms fire failed St. Agatha survived tortures ice snow storms angel ice storms St. Catherine blew wheels up ice snow storms fucking riddle ice snow storms angel ice snow storms snow ice storms angel ice snow storms angel ice snow storms angel snow ice storms pagan parades the man and woman who traded clothes who fucking horribly martyred fucking... unwordable... fucking virgins who fuckin'... preserved their virginities by drowning themselves St. Monica Jerome vulgate ice storms or storms.
St. Jerome - God bless St. Gregory and St. Alphonsus! and Sts. Anthony, Francis, Dominic, and all Catholic saints! Ice storms angel ice storms angel ice snow storms lava ice ember bubble ice snow storms carbon ice snow storms carbon ice angels diamonds lodestone adamant ice snow storms mass eucharists crucifixes rosaries Ave Marias Hail Marys ice storms angel ice snow storms shock ice snow storms cathedrals law popes law ice snow storms angel ice snow storms law ice snow storms religiouses seculars law ice snow storms fucking ice snow shock ice angel snow storms law ice storms angel ice snow storms fucking ice snow angel ice snow storms angel ice snow angel shock ice snow angel ice snow storms law Ignatius wounded his leg at Pampeluna, Jerusalem accusation, evangelism, nice neat cool good man, Bonaventure souls, spirits, mirrors, ice snow mirrors ice snow angels ice mirrors mirrors ice snow storms Fieschi nuns ice snow angel ice snow storms angel snow ice storms fiery love REST IN PEACE Benincasa tender ages ice storms angel snow ice storms circles numbers dead forests like narcissism candles that light others but not losing light different shapes sizes God's love for us ice storms angel ice storms snow storms angel ice snow storms Vigri 7 spiritual weapons Joan saved France ice storms colliseums celestial ice snow storms angels fuck flattery a Kempis ice snow storms friends learn ice storms humble ice storms Vadouis ice storms angel ice storms Galileo ice snow storms angel ice storms snow ice storms angel ice storms snow or angels ice storms angels heavens stars or stars.
Leonardo da Vinci - Mona Lisa ice storms paint blood ice snow storms frescoes ice snow storms angel ice snow storms lava bubble ice snow storms angels ice snow ice snow storms angels ice snow storms angel ice snow storms bubble ice shock ice snow storms ice snow storms angels Michelangelo Moses David huge Sistine Chapel panoramics Donatello penitent Magdalene David Habbakuk Raphael La Fornarina marriage of virgin School of Athens ice snow angel ice snow storms ice snow storms Teresa celestial hot h2o ice storms angel ice storms interior castles Mary of Agreda ice storms angels Anne Joachim ice storms snow ice angel ice snow storms ice angel ice shock ice snow Prov ch 8 Judith Holofernes ice storms angels Daniel dragon ice snow storms angels ice storms Lucifer's fall """we know knowledge after knowledge but God know all at one time."""" ice storms paint unworkable beauty of paint and clay and paint or paint.
Peter Waldo - Like ice snow angel ice snow storms snow angel ice snow storms empathy sympathy dogs discipline love protection fucking ice storms envy angels ice storms snow angel ice storms shock ice snow ice shock snow ice snow angel ice shock ice snow storms angel shock ice snow angel ice snow storms angel ice snow storms angel ice snow storms angel ice shock snow stars Vadouis agree to disagree candles Bibles mountains martyrdoms ice storms angel ice storms snow ice storms angel plumes plumage ice snow ice angel ice storms red ice angel blue green angel ice angel storms pikes racks stakes fucking dignity ice storms angel ice storms snow storms angel ice storms bewilderment controversies volcanoes AD 70 ice storms angel ice storms snow storms Wycliffe first English bible martyrs ice storms angel ice snow storms snow angels Huss Jerome ice storms prisons same spot 1 yr apart ice storms angel ice snow storms angel ice snow shock ice snow angel volcano ice storms Pompeii ice storms angel ice snow storms Sodom Gomorrah ice snow angel sleet ice graupel ice storms angels storms ice storms angels ice storms brothers burned prisons cold wet stench bugs dark rotting flesh arm ice storms angel plumes plumage Luther GOAT ice storms angel ice storms angel ice snow storms ice snow storms angel ice snow storms angel snow red ice snow storms green plumes plumage verdant verdure greeny fucking dragons ice storms angels or angels.
Luther - Calvin Zwingli Melanchton Knox ice storms angels ice storms angel plumes or like ice storms angel storms Flavel Wishart ice storms Lacuna ice storms protests or like princes angels ice storms snow storms 95 theses preaching but spurned but 1 woman loved but accused of whoredom but angels ice storms snow storms angel ice storms agreeing to disagree with Eck Erasmus, excommunicated with his best fuckin' man Philip ice storms angel ice storms snow storms Oecolampadius Ryle Spurgeon Goodwyn Bunyan Pink Torrey Niebuhr Catholics ice storms angel ice snow storms fucking ice storms snow angel ice storms cares or ice storms angels ice storms snow storms Baxter Hannah More Ellen JN James Joseph John Henry Edson Willi Miller Wolff ice storms angels ice storms snow storms angels ice Tyndale heroes GOATs ice storms angels ice storms snow storms ice snow shock ice angel storms ice storms ice storms angel ice storms angel ice snow storms or storms.
Emmerich - Revolution revelation ice storms angels ice snow storms angels ice storms St. Job ice storms snow angel ice storms snow angel ice storms Obadiah Zechariah Zedekiah Amos Joel Micah Malachi ice storms angel ice storms snow ice angel storms Penn no cross? no crown... ice storms lava ice storms lava ice snow storms lava ice storms angels ice letters go to give a letter no one leave get ice storms angel snow upside down snow angel ice shock ice miasma ice receive go no one? leave get ice storms angels ice storms in this metaphor we explain how we're friends with different spaces states places times books beings ice snow angel ice snow storms angel ice snow storms lonely Greeks agree to disagree ice storms angel ice snow storms angel ice snow storms ice persecution stores looted attacked fuck murder fuck rapes shops burned searching for better worlds Pennslyvania Quakers ice storms French revolution ice storms fuck theology fuck all all we care's love ice storms angel ice storms utter grief God help or help.
Ellen - Like ice storms angel ice snow storms industrial revolutions civil wars ice storms cameras ice storms and ice storms shock ice storms or lava ice snow storms shock ice snow storms ice snow shock ice snow storms ice snow angel ice storms world wars roaring 20s Great Depression, WW2, Hitler's conquest of fucking earth America Britain France vs Germany Italy Japan ice storms angel ice storms ice angel snow storms bombings inflation Germans know no cold Germans winning, Pearl Harbor, Germans losing ice storms angel ice snow storms angels ice snow storms shock ice Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Holocaust, ice snow angel ice snow storms angel ice snow storms moon landings segregation ends, racism, sexism, hatred, strife, cry ice storms dark brown angel storms ice angel cry ice storms snow storms radios, movies, tvs, modern, trouble, manna, 144,000, sundress, moonboots, 12-star garland, dragons, candelabras, ice storms angel storms wormwood Atilla Hun ice storms angel ice snow storms angel snow storms silence 24 elders, 24 thrones, seals broken, plagues, buy, sell, hell, heaven, new heavens, new earth, ice angels ice storms snow storms "The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people. Amen."  ice storms angel ice snow storms angel ice storms snow storms angel ice snow storms angel ice snow storms no crying nor cry nor blood nor heartbreak nor suffering nor grief nor tire nor hatred, but love, cares, worry or worries? no, but love, ecstasy, euphoria, love, joy, love, peace, love, rest, love, joy, no sin nor cry nor crying nor hatred nor death nor pain nor suffering, but joy, family, joy, eternally, ice snow angel ice snow storms angels ghettos projects slums ice storms light no night nor day but God no oceans but God fly, gold clusters or like fucking silver flying babes plucked flowers undead, ice storms angel ice storms angel ice snow storms angel snow ice storms, no pain nor grief nor pain nor cry nor cryin nor suffering nor hatred nor arrogance nor suffering nor grief nor death but God for God is love or like way or like truth or like life angels stars no pain, nor grief nor separation, nor death, nor hatred, nor pain, nor suffering, nor grief, nor hatred, but God or God.
The end.
Hold hands.
Seat-belt warnings.
Dogs's tails wagging.
Hot dogs.
Fucking Pawrent.
Paper Mario.
Dogs running in home.
Dogs bathed in hot water.
Dogs teeth brushed.
Dogs sleep.
Butterflies played with.
Butterflies pet.
Butterflies happy.
Butterflies loved.
Butterflies sleep.
Dogs sleep.
Funny dogs.
Orange juice.
Apple juice or like apple sauce.
God - Like ice snow angels ice snow shock ice snow ice angel ice snow angels ice snow angels ice snow shock ice snow angels black or like black black fucking black black black or like ice storms or like ice angel storms or like black black or like utter black fucking black black black white white or like fucking white or like utter white or like fucking white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white white, what's that say?
The end - the end.

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