Song of Fiery Love 2

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He - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow ""With your consent, father, I will leave my confession till another time;" and she did so. Returning home, she was so on fire and wounded with the love which God had interiorly manifested to her, together with the view of her miseries, that, as if beside herself, she went into a private chamber, and gave vent to her burning tears and sighs. The fire within was so great, that she took no account of exterior things relating to the body, although she neglected no necessary work; and no temptations except those of her natural inclinations could affect her."""" angels ice ice snow storms angels ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow.
She - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice zap upside down angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow avalanches ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice zap upside down right side up angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice blizzards avalanches ice ice snow snow angels ice ice ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow """""During these first four years, the interior fire that was consuming her produced such extreme hunger, and so quickly did she digest her food, that she could have devoured iron. I would that every one could understand me, and I am sure that if I could breathe on creatures, the fire of love burning within me would inflame them all with divine desire."""" angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow.
St. Augustine - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow avalanches blizzards lodestone magnetite angels ice ice snow waterfalls angels ice ice Niagara angels ice ice snow snow heaven angels ice ice snow waterfalls tears angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow """"Know for a certainty that if men understood how terrible is even one solitary sin, they would rather be cast into a heated furnace, and there remain, living both in soul and body, than to support such a sight. And if the sea were all fire they would cast themselves therein and never leave it, if they were certain of meeting the sin on doing so."""" angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice zap upside down right side up angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow.
St. Bonaventure - Like ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels angels ice ice avalanches ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow """""Rather was the effect directly contrary, for he who loves justice is rejoiced when robbers are punished, and surely he who, being evil by nature, desires to become good by his own efforts, is a robber worthy to be punished in hell-fire. This I know by means of the extreme and unspeakable torments which I suffer from the interior fire which burns within me; and hence, I conclude that love cannot endure even the least opposition, nor will it remain with any one who does not first remove all obstacles and impediments in order to remain with it in peace and perfect quiet."""""" angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow.
Ellen - Like ice snow snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice zap angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice waterfalls angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice zap upside down angels ice ice snow snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow """"And being thus transformed in God, the fire of love which burned in her purified heart was as great at the beginning as at the end of her conversion—which was a miraculous thing. For so great and hopeless an infirmity no remedy can be found but God, and if he does not heal us in this world by his grace, our defects must needs be cleansed hereafter by the fire of purgatory; it being necessary, before it is possible for us to behold the pure face of God, that we should be freed from all our stains."""" angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow.
St. Bridgette - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow avalanches ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice avalanches blizzards angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow """"Her sufferings were often so great that recourse was had to medical treatment, and letting of blood was ordered to relieve the burning fire of the spirit and restore the power of speech, but with little effect. It was a great consolation to her that he could understand her by a glance, when she could not speak, allaying the violence of the burning fire within, and strengthening her exhausted frame."""" angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow.""""
St. Teresa - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice storms angels ice ice snow angels ice avalanches ice ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow """""After the burial of Marco, the blessed Catherine received Argentina as her spiritual daughter, according to her promise, and this by a divine dispensation, for, if she had not had such a spiritual child, she could not have lived in the state of abstraction in which she was often thrown by the burning fires of her sweet Love. The vehemence of her spirit became at length so great that it shattered her bodily frame from head to foot; so that there was not a limb or nerve that was not tormented by her inward fires."""" angels ice ice angels zap phoenixes gryffindors dragons unicorns pegasuses turtles dogs angels ice ice Great Bay fucking hookshots angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow.
St. Ignatius - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice blizzards avalanches ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow egret snow phoenixes angels ice ice angels ice ice zap phoenixes angels ice ice angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow """"We are told of St. Ignatius, that after his martyrdom his heart was opened, and on it was found inscribed, in letters of gold, the sweet name of Jesus, and who can doubt that if the heart of this loving servant of God had been opened, some wonderful mark would have been found upon it. The burning flames within even changed the color of the flesh about her heart, and if fire was applied to her body, she did not feel it, so much more powerful was the interior flame. But there is this difference between material fire and the flames of divine love, that the one consumes and destroys, while the other sustains and strengthens."""" angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow.
St. Juan - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice zap upside down angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice blizzards angels ice ice snow storms angels ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow """I know that you cannot endure me, because I hold you bound on earth, in exile, and deprived of the fruition of the unbounded love of God; but I cannot sustain this fire of the love of God, rather would I endure any other torture than one day in its burning flames." This holy soul continually suffered more and more from the favors of divine love; sometimes for five or six days she could hardly breathe, so great was the vehemence of this inward fire; and every attack was more violent than the last, obliging her to conceal herself from all creatures, to avoid their observation and wonder at her extraordinary condition."""" angels ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow.
Galileo - Like ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow phoenixes angels ice ice zap phoenixes angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow """"She seemed writhing in flames of fire, and could not be kept upon her bed. Lord, do with me all that seemeth good to thee," which showed that the time was approaching when she was to pass from the fires of purgatory into that blessed life. When she was about receiving communion, she addressed many beautiful words to the holy sacrament, and to the persons present: words of burning love from the interior fire of her heart, so fervent and pious that every one wept with devotion."""" angels ice ice blizzards angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow.
Newton - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice avalanches ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow """Often she cried aloud in her agony; but her silent sufferings were the greatest, when her tongue and lips were so parched with the burning fire within that she could not move them or speak. As the burning fire within increased, her thoughts and imagination were filled with different sins, which she had never before thought of these, however, did not cause her any compunction but the remembrance of them gave her great pain."""" angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice blizzards angels ice ice snow phoenixes angels ice ice zap phoenixes angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow.
Luther - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow phoenixes angels ice ice zap phoenixes angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow angels ice ice upside down right side up angels ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice zap upside down right side up angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow angels Niagara Niagara Niagara angels ice angels ice ice snow Niagara upside down right side up angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow """"All the blood remaining within had been dried up by the fire that was consuming her. After her death that yellow tint which before was only seen about the region of the heart, diffused itself over her whole body, which signified that the divine fire had gradually consumed her whole humanity, which was preserved alive in the flesh until every, even the last particle was consumed; and then, free from every pain, she went forth from this purgatory, beatified, to take her place, as we must believe, in the choir of the Seraphim. For so purified was she by the divine fire in this life, it would seem that the Lord must have exalted her to such a glorious elevation. This, her most happy transit, took place in the year 1510, on Saturday night, December 14th, as the hour of Sunday was approaching when she usually received communion. Among the persons present was one of her spiritual daughters, who saw the soul depart swiftly, and fly to God, without hindrance; and this sight gave her great consolation, and so much light, that she addressed those about her in words of burning love, exclaiming: "Oh! how narrow is the way by which we must pass, to arrive, without hindrance, at our home.""""" angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow angels ice ice avalanches blizzards angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow.
St. Benincasa - Like ice snows storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice blizzards angels ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow blizzards plumes feathers angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow """But the sight that tortured and consumed her was of that burning, divine love towards man; she said that no human tongue could describe how inflamed she was with that glowing fire. Humanity. It seems to me, Spirit, that you have entered upon this course so vehemently that you will hardly be able to persevere in it; I hope that death, or at the least, infirmity, will not fail to follow, and that perhaps sooner than you think; and thus you will not be able to attain what you are seeking in this world, but will be obliged to go to purgatory, where you will suffer more in a moment than you would here in a whole lifetime. I shall be in the grave, and that will be far better for me than to live in this world. You will go into that fire where it will be worse with you than with me. Retrace your steps; I have no more to say."""" angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow.
St. Vigri - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice avalanches ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice snow phoenixes dark academia angels ice ice rapture angels ice ice snow snow tears nuns angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow """"Long did she cry to God for help, for so he had decreed, and though he gave her no reply, he yet had regard to her perseverance, and kindled in her heart a hidden fire, while at the same time he reveled to her her imperfections. At length that befell the Soul, which happens to a bombshell, when the fire being applied it explodes and loses both fire and powder; thus the Soul, having conceived the fire of pure, divine love, suddenly lost that which had before inflamed her, and, deprived of all sensibility, could never more return to it."""" angels ice ice avalanches ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow.
St. Fieschi - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice avalanches ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice angels ice ice snow snow angels ice zap upside down angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow phoenixes angels ice ice zap phoenixes angels ice ice snow snow avalanches blizzards angels ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow """"It remains for us to pray our most merciful Lord, that by the intercession of this blessed soul, he may bestow on us the abundance of his love, that we may all advance from virtue to virtue, and at length be united in eternal bliss with Him who liveth and reigneth eternally. Elsewhere their sufferings would be redoubled, and therefore they go thither, not indeed that they may suffer less, but impelled by that supreme and infallible decree of God, which cannot err. And finally, to conclude all, understand well, that in the almighty and merciful God, all that is in man is wholly transformed, and that purgatory purifies him.""""" snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow angels ice ice avalanches ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice snow snow angels ice ice Niagara upside down right side up angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow.
St. Jesus - Like ice ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow angels ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice avalanches ice ice blizzards angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice upside down slow-mo angels snow phoenixes angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow """"Thus she remained for three years or more, melted with love and grief, and with the deep and burning flames that were consuming her heart. O Soul, O mind, bound and imprisoned in that divine flame! who could comprehend that beauty, that wisdom, that amorous care wrought in you by divine love and for love—those colloquies so sweet, so loving, and so gracious—and not feel his heart melt within him, though it were harder than a stone This impression remained for many years which were spent by her, in continual sighs, and burning flames, so that her heart and soul were well nigh melted, and she was constrained to cry out: "I have no longer either soul or heart; but my soul and my heart are those of my Beloved;" and in him she was wholly absorbed and transformed. Finally, her sweet and loving Lord drew her to himself, and bestowed upon her a caress, by the power of which she was entirely immersed in that sweet Divinity to which she abandoned herself exteriorly, so that she exclaimed: "I live no longer, but Christ lives in me." She knew no longer whether her mere human acts were good or bad, but saw all things in God."""" angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice Niagara upside down right side up angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice zap phoenixes angels ice ice unicorns pegasuses angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice snow snow snow snow snow snow.
St. Job - Like ice ice snow storms angels ice ice avalanches ice ice snow snow Life or like Doctrine or like Spirits or like Dialogues or like Treatises or like Purgatory or like ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels zap phoenixes angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice avalanches ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice fetch frames paintings Renaissance Catholics Protestants love angels ice ice fetch dig sticks bones discipline angels ice ice angels ice ice snow storms angels snow snow angels ice ice fetch dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig dig angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice hot bubble baths steam anime InuYasha subjagation beads angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow angels ice ice avalanches ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow drying hot water off dogs hot towels hot air pjs Death Note sleep pet belly rubs angels ice ice snow stormsd angels butterflies dragonflies glowbugs strings pets pets pets pets pets lights nights angels ice ice feed pet Raybans angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice whiskey sleep angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels snow snow angels ice ice dogs God loves all angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice angels ice ice zap angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice mounds wheats circles lilies angels ice ice persimmons tangerines oranges orange juice love fiery love angels ice ice 2 angels ice ice angels ice ice blizzards angels ice ice snow storms angels ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice spice persimmons gold bowls grass spice angels ice ice spice rugged fucking hills angels ice ice angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow cuddle sleep angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow pianos pianos pianos dark academia dark academia dark academia dark academia dark academia dark academia dark academia dark academia dark academia dark academia dark academia dark academia dark academia light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution light pollution pianos night stars dalmations angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow angels ice ice night stars angels ice ice REST IN PEACE ST. CATHERINE FIESCHI OF GENOA angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow snow ink ink ink ink ink ink ink ink ink ink ink ink ink ink ink ink ink angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow ink ink angels ice ice night stars fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire black fire black fire black fire white fire white fire white fire white fire angels ice ice snow snow ink ink snow snow ink snow ink Hades or like Phoenixes or like Hellfire or like ice ice ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow snow snow snow snow snow ink ink ink ink ink ink what's that say?
The end - the end.

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