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Author  P.O.V

Jiya was sitting on the swing chair which is place in the balcony ,her eyes focus on the sun setting slowly.. in her hand there was a coffee which  she prepared for herself she was resting on the swing which was moving from time to time...

It look she was lost in her thought there was a sweet smile playing on her face....

Her face was showing peacefulness and calmness after relaxing sometime she went down, the dinner was already prepared by the maid she went in the living room having nothing to do she just plopped on sofa and turn on the television..

Randomly  she was just scrolling  with the remote suddenly she notice the familiar word on television

Breaking news: Mr Aryan C.O.O of S&K  company  caught
  in the sex scandal

Her eyes was widened, with shock... She changed the channel almost all the news channel  was showing same breaking news...

She was aware, that he is a manwhore, but all this  was shocking to her.....

She doesn't want to be associate with him ... but somewhere she knows, she is involved with him..
Thinking about all this was making her headache.... Can't she feel some happiness in her life if something better is happening there should be something worse going on...

She was just in her  deep thought when her  phone rang...

Rajveer was calling her... Suddenly a beautiful smile came on her face
She receive the call

Hello , a manly voice can be heard..

Hi ,"she said softly"!

What is my girlfriend doing she is so busy that she doesn't have a time for his boyfriend , he said more in a complaint tone...

Jia  blushed  very hard , this all was very new too her , this feeling it was just too much for her she was not believing in her destiny...
From the time Rajveer had proposed to her he made it a point to declare his love whenever he get a chance,he  doesn't leave any moment to remind her that he is her boyfriend and she is his  girlfriend....

Was it annoying ,not at all !she was loving each and every moment they both were sharing with each other till now she was not believing that Rajveer proposed her to be his girlfriend...

Rajveer is  a  handsome man with a lot of good quality,  with the good background,  and she was no one ,she believe.. she was doubting her ownself, her own destiny... There was some kind of fear in herself that can happiness stay with her for a longer time will she be happy...

She wanted to be happy she wanted to enjoy her life with Rajveer , and she will not back out, she will stay with Rajveer in any circumstances..

Jiya are you there are you listening,  she can hear his, concern voice from another side

"Yes !yes' I am so sorry she replied"!

"What are you doing",?  he casually asked her...

Nothing,  I  was having a cup of coffee and going to some news she said with her distress voice

Did you watch the news,he  enquired

Yes I did , she replied

He was already aware about the news, coz he was the one who leaked the video and planned all  this...

He sighed, I will be coming early today, do you want to go out.he suggested ...

After a minute she replied,  " Yes"!
She really wanted to go out and breathe a fresh air.. and be with him
Right now she needs,  his warm embrace where she can hide herself....

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