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Rajveer P.O.V

This weekend was really an incredible for me I really enjoyed after a long time it might be because my love "Jiya" was with me...
Jia  also enjoyed this small trip...
I really wanted to know her  more better....And her  to understand my world....

But after coming back from the trip she fall sick and I was really concern about her
But thank God it was a minor infection...
I was really scared for her...
I didn't allow her to get up from the bed ,I know she was little bit frustrated but I cannot help I don't want to take any risk  with her
These three days... we really become more closed. 
I like the way she started opening with me, how she started demanding with me .... And the most important thing I love that she was so clingy with me ....
One side,  where I was happy with her behaviour but it was also making me depress when she was crying so hard she was feeling in secure about our relationship..
When she totally broke down in my arms ,I was feeling so rage , inside that I really wanted to break everything... But first I need to calm down to bring the situation under me...
Soon I will settle everything I can't see her breaking down and live  her life with in security...

Today I am taking her with me to office....
First I was not ready ...
I wanted her to rest more two to  three, days but there was an important meeting today...and
I don't want to leave her  alone and let her think all about the unnecessary things....

It's better that she  stay with me...

"Enough Veer, I can't eat more than this...she pouted cutely...

"You ,need to replenish your energy back again,see how much you are looking thin....I explained her slowly..

"Veer,are you kidding me, these whole week, you are feeding me like a panda..Surely I am looking like a teady bear ...she said hurriedly

"Yes , you are my cute teddy bear I cooed  looking at her lovingly...

Listening my words she become timid ...Her both the cheeks become red like a tomato...
I chuckled at her ...

We both left for the office..
I exit from the car while holding Jiya hand with me...
Now I don't care about anything I don't want  to make her feel that this relationship is any kind of sin...

Our bond is very pure...
We both love each other
It might the words go out in the society people will have their opinion that I am having a relationship with my brother wife..
But I don't  care  about all this gossip.

What is right and what is wrong I don't want to know anything. And don't want to believe in anything  just now it's only matters to me is
" Jiya "

We both entered the company holding hands in hand...
Jiya didn't try to take her hand from my hold... when I glanced at her.. she was smiling widely..
Looking at her,how brightly she was smiling made my heart fluttered..
I really wanted to grab her and kissed her hard..
Which i will do it later, right now I need to control my hormones..

It was little early,I arrived,so there was not many employees..
I directly went to my private elevator and went to my floor still holding Jiya hand...
We reached my office room..
Akash was already waiting for me to brief me about today's meeting.

" Good morning boss, ....
Good morning, maam ",,he wished both of us ..

We both wished him back..

Jiya took a seat on the coach ,whereas ,i and Akash started discussing about the project...
After discussing for 30 minutes...
I  gazed at Jiya,...she was busy on her MacBook....
I dismiss Akash and informed, him to start the meeting exactly after 30 minutes...
He nodded at me and left the cabin . .

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