
154 13 0

Rajveer P O.V

Argh ! Continuous notification from my phone distrubed my sleep and annoyed me, with  eyes closed tried to reach my device but no avail... again the buzzing sound made me to open my eyes..
I was wide  awake, and turned around other side to find it empty Jiya was not there , searching for my phone, i found it with a note attached..
"Good morning husband, making your favourite breakfast"!

A warm smile spread on my face, reading the word " husband".
I  lay there for some time.. thinking about
last night, it  was the best night of my life and there was no doubt about that.. I never thought intimacy  could feel so beautiful and surreal.. before this my life was only living for the sake of living.. there was no real meaning but the day, Jiya enter my life everything changed for my best.

My priority had been shifted from being a successful businessman and taking a revenge from pathetic and disgusting man Mr .Harsh Khanna to have a beautiful life with my wife Jiya..

Reminsing,last night it felt was so perfect... So perfectly she fit  in my arm, the way she was moaning when I was inside her it was immense pleasure to me...her soft body , was withering under me looking so beautiful
"Fuck" my manhood just stood erect thinking about my temptress wife...
The junior is missing his home, he needs to be buried deep inside her wet tunnel..

The ringing of my phone, bought me again back.
I check the caller ID. It was Akash calling..
"Hello" good morning boss..
"Good morning Aakash"

Boss , we submitted the document and received your marriage certificate.. he informed me.. and also other  legal document are ready we need your signature..
"That's very good, just email the document and for a week I will be not attending  office or any of the meeting unless it is very important just connect me through conference call.. and keep me updated.
Ask Karan to overtake the summer project and about Harsh keep a keen eye on that asshole move.. he will be not the one who will be quiet till now he might have received my marriage news. And see to it there should be no negative news about Jia. Keep updating me about every single thing about Harsh and Aryan .. I instructed him  and discuss certain points with him before disconnecting the call...

Taking a deep sigh. I decided to take a shower missing my little wife already. Quickly , I rush to the bathroom.. Within 20 minutes I was ready.. in my casual grey  sweatpant and black fit t.shirt .So excited to see my wife , I step down
Searching for my wife , no one was there in the living room most of the staff were not present..
Then I remember her note , she might be in  kitchen..

Taking a long step, towards the kitchen
My step halted..and I just stood there with my breath hitched .

My little wife , who was dressed in long maroon  dress her long hair opened, her face was adorned with light makeup ,her shiny nose pin  was making her look adorable, she was eating something the spoon in her mouth, her both hands were full of red glass bangles making musical sound , my eyes were scrutinizing her every move..
Till now , she didn't felt my presence,she was engrossed in her eating.
"Fuck" when she licked the spoon, her lips looking so eatable and fluppy  In all she is looking so adorable and ravishing to me
A current ran through my body , which reached my junior inside my pants...
So innocently she was licking, with her beautiful eyes closed not caring that her action is making me all hot inside..
Specially after last night, knowing how beautiful and pleasure it is to be inside her.
My mind urge , me to control she might me sore, but fuck "how can I control after having a sweet  taste of her "
It's an impossible task to keep my hand away from her..
I need her each and every time I breath..
"Fuck " just enough of staring .. I quickly move forward , inside the kitchen she has just tum around and in swift motion I hold her from her waist
"Ahh"she screamed with my sudden action then she relaxed when she felt me..
"Good morning wife"I wished her and complained that she left me all alone in the bed..
She laughed  and told me she wanted to prepare a special breakfast for me..

Still, I was holding her from her waist and giving a Feathery  kisses..
"Hmmm" she mas softly moaning..
"Baby , you smell so good.. complementing her my kiss started going rough..
"Ahh" she was responding me..
My hand was roaming all around her  body..
"Fuck" I just want to remove her dress and penetrate her right here.. I am literally losing my control..
Showering  , her face with lot of kisses.. I took her lip in my mouth and started kissing and sucking her.. without breaking the kiss ,  I pick her up
and made her sit on the slab.
The fact that she was currently placed  on the kitchen slab made her shiver  I parted her leg and stood  between it . She knitted her hands in my hair tightly bringing me more closer to her
Accomplishing my task  again I took her lips into a deep kissing making her mind misty..
I left her lips  with the tug  on her lower lip making her moan audible. My lips was moving down kissing a spot of her collarbone.. I was leaving my mark on her blemish soft skin sucking on it , it was making her breath even..
"Veer ..hmmmm..she clutched my hair more tight meanwhile my hand found the zipper of her dress  and I unzipped  it .
Her leg wrapped around my torso making me groan loudly..
"Fuck" taking her face in my hand I parted with my thumb lunching my tongue in her mouth to taste every inch  of it
I kissed her hungrily
pulling her dress down to her shoulder like wanted to feel her skin
" can feel my hard rod really wanted to enter inside her..
She pushed my shoulder lightly, leaving her lips I looked at her to find her breathing heavily, hair messed and her dress was pulled down till her boobs were displayed for my eyes .
"Fuck" my eyes lusted on her boobs, fucking it was looking so full  appealing, it was covered with designer red fabric , felt like tearing it and just suck on my delicious meal..
As I moved, forward to have a better look on my feast..
My wife stopped me by lightly pushing my chest..frown appeared on my face

"Veer... Let's eat , I have prepared a special breakfast for you..she said sweetly with her  swollen lips..her hand was caressing my chest..
I looked at her with so much lust and desire..
But ,shit I remember we didn't have proper dinner and after so much activity last night she might be hungry and then also she prepared a breakfast for me...
"Such a jerk , I am"!
"So sorry baby, it just slip  from my mind you did not have a proper dinner yesterday you  might be very hungry"?
Quickly I  got her down from the slab straighten her dress ..
"Baby why are you doing alone, where are the servant"? I asked her ..
"Veer , I have send them out I wanted to serve you alone..she said...

Giving her a warm smile, I kissed her forehead and took her hand to walk out near the dinning table
The table were set with lots of dishes..
"Wow , it's looking delicious.. I complimented her..

We both sat ,as usual she served  me first..

We  both eat feeding each other peace

After having a delicious breakfast with my beautiful wife I asked her to pack her belongings, we are going for a short trip..
I didn't enclosed, where I am taking her it is surprise for her.. I hope she will enjoy.. she did not asked any question she left for pack her thing and I went to another room to answer some official email..

Thank you so much for reading 🙏 Please vote and comment free to suggest and correct the grammatical mistakes

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