𝟬𝟬𝟮 ━ old friend

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finish line! chapter two
old friend

Thomas walked into his first lesson of the day with his head down and his hood up, as always. He hadn't talked to anyone since they died.

All of them.

Only simple words like 'no' or 'go away'.

The pack and his dad tried to make him talk but got only silence. After three weeks of nothing they stopped trying, leaving him wishing he was with his family.

They left him to do what he wanted, and that was dream of being with his family. He just wished they could be here, all together again.

You see, the Scorchers, Newt, Minho, Brenda, Aris, ect. were all dead. Not coming back.

Thomas had kept wishing and wishing they weren't really gone, like Gally when they met him again, but they were. He's gotten real bad that he didn't care if Gally came back, to be honest, be preferred his company that these ones surrounding him, that said a lot.

The sad thing was nobody knew. No-one. Not a single soul except for Thomas. He was carrying a burden. Thinking it was his fault for their deaths, when in reality it wasn't. It might have been WICKED's or it might have been Earth's decision herself, but it wasn't his.

"-inki, STILES!?" Coach shouted for the 10th time. He looked at Thomas in concern, this wasn't the Stilinski he knew, the one who ran his mouth all lesson. This Stilinski was quiet and didn't talk at all, what was shocking was that it worried coach. Thomas looked up to the teacher. "Class ended. Better get going before you're late."

Thomas only nodded, barely even that. Almost everyone has noticed this. He doesn't talk anymore. Almost ever. Rarely.

He made it barely in time to his history class with Mr Yukimura, Kira's father. Walking through the door at a snail's pace, like usual. "Stiles, nice to see you could make it."

Thomas looked to the side to see Lydia's mother and a blonde haired boy. The blonde boy. His British boy. The love of his life, staring right back at him. Thomas lifted his head up fully, some saw his appearance, he didn't look like the same Stiles, something was different. His head tilted slightly, his lips quivered.

"Newt?" Was all he croaked out surprising the whole class including the teachers, he sounded as if he hadn't spoke in months. The first time he said something was to this mystery boy that he allegedly knew.

"Hey, is this Histor━Newt?" A very familiar voice pulled both the boys out of their trance and made them look at the Asian boy. "Thomas?"

"Ok, what the shuck is going on? You guys are dead. Dead. I saw you both die. So what the shuck. Shuck! I'm starting to sound like Minho." Thomas said looking about to burst into tears. His heart was racing, his family was here, well, part of it. The class was sister shook, quaking in their boots, again, this is the mist he'd spoke since he'd been back

"Tommy, it's me. When I was...losing control━the knife I stabbed myself with had your blood on so I guess that cured me. It's me Tommy." Newt reassured Thomas who had tears uncontrollably slipping down his face. Newt swiftly grabbed Thomas in a death grip hug, squeezing the life out of him. The weeping boy lay his head on top of Newt's shoulder, his arms loosely wrapped around the shorter boy.

"I'll just be nonexistent." Minho chimes in with his arms crossed leaning again the doorway.

Both the boys laughed and walked towards the complaining boy. The pair wrapped their arms around him and Minho happily accepted.

"You are the bestest friends I could ask for." Newt whispered and Minho pulled away shaking his head.

"Best friends I think not..." he grabbed Thomas and Newts heads pulling them together, "...now KISS!"

What shocked the class is that the fully obliged and kissed like their life depended on it. The amount of passion that bled from that kiss was never seen before. The werewolves could smell the love floating off the couple in enormous waves, hitting them in the face.

The gradual chants from Minho were heard "ᴺᵉʷᵗᵐᵃˢ, Newtmas, NEWTMAS, NEWTMAS!" carrying on and on, he was the captain on the ship.

The lovestruck boys departed smiling lovingly at eachother, but kept a hand touching, only to make sure that the other was real. The turned to Minho who was grinning like a madman.

"This is PapaMinMins proudest moment." Minho said in third person wiping away a fake tear. Newt rolled his eyes at his best friend.

Thomas gave him a 'shut up before I skin you alive and feed you to the cranks' look.

A question popped into Thomas' head, he squeezed his lover's hand, "Do you know if the others are alive?"

"Well if I am they sure as hell should be." Minho replied, he had his arms crossed while a serious expression took over his face.

Thomas was in deep thought for a few seconds making the class look at him weird, who was this? Because that ain't Stiles Stilinski. Confidence and leadership oozed from the man, this was completely new for the students.

"Ok. We'll search for them. Anything. There has to be something, right? Are you guys in?"

"Tommy.. I've said this before. I'd━We'd follow you anywhere.." Newt quoted making Thomas tear up a bit at the mention of the letter. He pulled the capsule from his neck and looked at it.

Thomas looked back up towards his love, his hand wrapped around the capsule, tightly and his face formed a smirk on his lips, "Then we leave...now!"

As the family left the room, eyes followed them to the very last second. Certain eyes lingered at the empty doorway for a while longer than others━Stiles was gone. This man was new, different and way more confident.

They wished that their old friend was still here with them, the one they used to know.

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