𝟬𝟬𝟱 ━ trip to paradise

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finish line! chapter five
━ trip to paradise

Thomas wasn't doing well. He hadn't since he had been back. Back to beacon hills. A supernatural hell hole.

It been 2 months.

2 months since he's seen his family.

2 months since he's seen his boyfriend Newt.

2 months since he came back.

2 months of being ignored and forgotten by his 'friends'.

The hole in his heart from not being with Newt and his family was overwhelming. (Thomas is definitely not whelmed)

That was until his English teacher, Mrs Soren, said they were going on a trip to London for 2 weeks.

Thomas was beyond happy. Newt lived there with his parents after they came back from the safe haven.

Thomas had an amazing idea━he decided to surprise Newt. Which, might he add, was in less than a week. In fact, they were heading there this very second. Mrs Soren did not want to waste any time, she forced the children to run home and grab their essentials before meeting at the school once again to begin the journey.

The bus ride to the airport was durable. Thomas had the whole back row to himself━Scott and the pack never sat with him anymore, claiming to everyone that they had moved on from the brunet, telling them they all just fell apart and never tried to glue the friendship back together.

Although this rumour travelled around school rather quickly, Thomas did not care one bit for the pack. Of course, he had his memories of being Stiles, but that was just it━they were memories of his past self, who he isn't anymore. He has moved on and so should they━he wasn't going to beg them to be his friend, honestly, he didn't even want to be their friends right now.

All he cared about was his family he had managed to hold together. The family who took care of him and treat him with respect. The family he loved.

Thomas was excited to finally see Newt. He had been dreaming about him, wishing he was here in his arms. Wishing he could kiss his warm, plump lips like he had done previously.

He will soon.

The plane had landed and the class were on a coach heading straight for the Bakster hotel, where they would be staying. It was a slightly fancy hotel, much more up to date than average hotels in the area━but the school could afford it.

Thomas was bursting with excitement at finally seeing Newt. His classmates stared at him like he was crazy━they hadn't seen him so excited before, they didn't understand why he was so excited to be here in London. It was just a city.

The pack rolled his eyes at the brunet━they didn't know why he was so happy, he hadn't exerted an ounce of emotion apart from anger and frustration since he got back.

So this was definitely new, and they were suspicious.

Walking into the hotel, the group were met with marble floors and beautiful architectural designs flowing throughout the large room. There were people walking around everywhere, whether walking into the building or walking out, all had handfuls of luggage that looked way to heavy to be just clothes and essentials.

"Hello! We have a reservation under Becky Soren, from Beacon Hills, California." Mrs Soren said sweetly to the receptionist who looked at her computer. After a few seconds of typing, the women looked up and smiled.

FINISH LINE ━ oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now