𝟬𝟬𝟯 ━ you love Lydia

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finish line! chapter three
━ you love Lydia

Thomas was done. He was so done being Stiles. Pretending. Being someone he's not. It was draining him every second he walked out the Stilinski doors and placed a fake persona on. He hated it.

Being clueless, trying not to run, being weak and defenseless.

He was sick of it.

He decided to be himself. Today for school he wore a tight grey tank top and black pants. He grabbed a brown jacket; Newt's jacket.

He went into the garage to grab his old car. A black bugatti. Gift from the FBI for splitting his family up.

Thomas quickly hopped into the car and rode five minutes to school most likely speeding. Whenever he rode in Roscoe━which is everyday since he's been back━he'd always stayed at the speed limit.

Of course Thomas loved Roscoe━that jeep was his LIFE. But he needed to amp up the 'new him', or the 'present him'.

No━his true self.

As he turned into the school car park, he noticed many of his classmated whispering about the fancy car. Thomas parked the car, a crowd formed in front of it and eyes averted towards it. He stepped out the car; cueing the gasps.

As the door opened, Thomas stood confidently, a small smirk barely visible on his lips━his hair left untamed, like he was going for the 'I woke up this way, and couldn't be arsed to brush my hair' look.

Safe to say it was working.

Girl's━and boy's mouths couldn't help but drop at his physic. Oh, he was gorgeous. His shirt fit him in just the right ways, showing his muscles.

How did they not realise that STILES was this attractive, before?

"OH, MY GOD is that Stiles." Whispers from many school girls could be heard within ear shot, "He's so hot."


"Look at his car, man." Many boys giggled to themselves, their eyes averting from the shockingly new Stiles, back to the car.

Thomas rolled his eyes at the comments, he closed his car door and walked inside the battered building.

Eyes were on him. His new persona━that's what it was to everyone else━did not go unnoticed by the students. Thomas went to his classes as usual until it was lunch.

Thomas walked into the cafeteria to be surrounded by desperate girls. They crowded him, there seemed to be around a dozen of the girls.

"Hey Stiles." One purred, her fingers lightly traced his bicep, the lust for him burned in her eyes. Thomas shrugged her off, slightly, causing her to huff.

"Want to go on a date, hun." Another one asked flirtatiously, she twirled a lone hair that framed her face around her fingers, trying to be sexy.

"No, with me." Another shot at the second girl, she pushed the other behind her and giggled in Thomas' face.

"Ladies. I'm actually taken." Thomas replied with a mischievous smirk. The look on everyone's faces were priceless, and God it felt good for him to say that.

A rumble of groans erupted from the girls, Thomas walked over to the pack a small smirk placed on his face.

"Hey." He greeted the group who were shocked at his appearance.

FINISH LINE ━ oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now