𝟬𝟬𝟵 ━ lovers and brothers

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finish line! chapter nine
━ lovers and brothers

Going back to his 'hometown' was tough for Minho. He didn't remember anyone, not even his family. When his parents found out their little boy was alive, they were ecstatic. But, when they met him they noticed his change in demeanour.

He was always on guard. Calculating everyone's movements. His family were even told he knocked out five well-trained officers in under a minute. They knew that all of him, mentally with them, but at least, physically, he was all here.

When Minho first laid eyes on the family, there was no sense of recognition on his face. That broke them. Their boy didn't recognise them.

The officers that rescued Minho had to force him to go with his family. The poor boy didn't speak, only attacked anyone close to him, seeing them as a threat.

The officers backed off, leaving Minho and his startled, biological family in the room together. He seemed to maintain his calm posture he had before.

"Minho, honey, it's me, your mother." The women's heart completely shattered as Minho didn't even acknowledge what she was saying.

They tried and tried to talk to him for hours longer, getting nothing but an uncomfortable movement of his shoulders.

Minho knew he had to go with them. He had no choice, nowhere else to go. He had his family ripped away from him but he was willing to do dangerous things to get them back.

The ride to a small town called 'Beacon Hills' was long and stressful for everyone. His mother (Noshiko) was playing nervously with her rings looking back at Minho every once and a while. His father (Ken) was driving, keeping a positive attitude up for the sake of Noshiko. His sister (Kira) was sitting on the opposite side of the back seat, as much space in between them as she could make.

As they parked in front of the house, they all stepped out the car. Minho hadn't spoken once, his parents were afraid of what he's been through. The lead officer who found him had reported he had signs of PTSD.


It was now morning, Minho hadn't slept a wink. He had to stay on couch until the guest room was ready. The reason he couldn't sleep was because it felt weird for him to sleep on something so soft and comfortable. Even if he did close his eyes for a second, visions of the maze would flash through and sounds made him look around the room cautiously.

Noshiko, Ken and Kira where in the kitchen by 9. They, actually, weren't very surprised to see Minho wide awake sitting in the middle of the floor, back against the island in the kitchen.

They all smiled sympathetically at him and went to cook food.

This routine went on for almost a week. Ken decided it would be a good idea to go to school. It would keep his mind off things and his parents thought Minho should be able to be a teenager.

When Minho heard the idea of school, he didn't like it. There were too many people. Too many exits and too many openings for something bad to happen. But it didn't really seem like he had a choice, if he wanted to live under their roof that is. He actually had a good idea.

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