𝟬𝟬𝟳 ━ missing pieces

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finish line! chapter seven
━ missing pieces

Rain. Rain poured down the school window. Newt, he loved the rain.

It reminded him of Thomas. He didn't know why, it was just a feeling.

Like how Thomas poured his sweat and blood into protecting them, his family.

Like how Thomas's tears drowned him as he hovered over chuck, his little brother's, body on the floor of the WCKDs department. How his tears flowed down his neck as Thomas latched his arms around Newt to feel some form of comfort after his friend died.

Like how the rain poured down as Thomas's grip left Newt's waist sending him plummeting into the fire below.

Even if the fire was all out by the rain, he wouldn't have survived the fall, the debris landing on top of him and the bullet wound on his right abdomen, dangerously close to a vital organ.

The pain of loosing the love of his life was heartbreaking to watch for Newt.

His heart was shattered.

He knew he had to live for Thomas. If he didn't, then there wouldn't be anything left.

So he lived. And, he's been living in the small town of GrayWood coming up 2 years now. 2 long ass years with out him.

He even went to school, with a bunch of 'snobby assholes' he calls them. That's where he mostly watched the rain. Not concentrating on the lesson just watching the rain droplets fall onto the window racing eachother like how his love used to race into action.

"Mr. Newton, are you with us?" Mr. Rodrigo asked noticing the boy staring away, looking out the window. The teacher knew he did that a lot, but, he couldn't just leave him to look out the window all lesson, he had to do something, write something down on his ( from what Mr. Rodrigo could see ) blank page.

Newt turned his head, now seeing the class turning their heads to look at him, he rolled his eyes at them, not that they could see.

Non of the students understood him. Some would try and talk to him, ask him if he's okay being alone and all. Others make fun of him because he doesn't talk to anyone. All the students and teachers saw was a mop of sandy blonde hair, falling over his eyes as his head was kept angled down most of the time.

They would all bug him, talking to him. That stopped when a rumor went around that he had scars.

Bad scars. Everywhere.

He neither confirmed or denied. But he knew it was true. Scars, little to big, littered his body. Some from the maze, some from running from WICKED, some actually from the scientists at WICKED. The worse was a brand on his collarbone and the bottom of his back. A small 'W' was branded onto his collar with a fancy outline around it. The other had the name 'WICKED' and who he was.

Before Mr. Rodrigo could say anything else he saw the young boy nod, turning his body to the front of the classroom.

Mr. Rodrigo sighed and shook his head lightly. He never understood that boy, he thought to himself before turning back to teaching the class. He looked in the corner of his eye to see Newt staring outside at the rain, again, this time, he didn't say anything to the boy.

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