𝟬𝟬𝟲 ━ identity

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finish line! chapter six
━ identity

"Hey freak, watch it!" The schools bully, Tyler, pushed Stephan up to the lockers and walked away with a scowl on his face.

Stephen doesn't talk. He doesn't take his hood off. He doesn't have any friends. So everyone calls him the freak.

He's been at this school for 5 months now and today might be the most enjoyable day of his school career. Not that he had one anyway.

His English class is going on a field trip to meet with an unknown artist who is going to reveal his identity. His teacher things that it'll teach them that art can show English or something like that.

Most of the class are just happy to get two days from school or away from home.

Stephan however wasn't bothered. He was only going because his grandmother, Rosà, was compliant on him to go.

So, here he is walking to the bus with a large group of either sleep-deprived or full-of-themselvez teenagers.

The bus ride was filled with nasty comments to Stephan and weird song the teacher tried to make the students sing.

After 4 long, crucial hours they made it to the hotel/performance area. Stephan was relieved when he stepped off the bus but that quickly vanished when Tyler tripped him on the stairs.

Stephan, forgetting he was with his class, did a flip landing on the floor nice and gracefully.

Everyone stared shocked as every other time he tripped he usually fell.

Stephan could feel the stares hot on his back as he walked away to the reception where most of the class and his main teacher was.

"Hello, we have a booking under the name Miss Hallworth with 17 students and two teachers." His teacher smiled sweetly at the receptionist slightly irritated by the look on her face.

The women typed on her computer and stopped a couple seconds later, looking up and giving the teacher a tight smile. "Yes, it's here and eleven rooms, two rooms for the teachers, eight too share and one for.. someone."

"Thank you."

"Ok class I'll be deciding the pairs. Chris and Brad. Abby and Tina. Tyler and Mark. Christine and Maxine. Ryder and Tim. Sony and Will. Anthony and Scott. Natalie and Hope. Stephan, you'll be going by yourself. Everyone grab your keys off me in your pairs." The students filed through the lobby grabbing a key between them all going down to Stephan who grabbed the 3rd to last one.

Stephan's key had floor 5 with the letter P and the number 1 next to the P.

'Floor 5. P. Penthouse 1? Top floor must be a penthouse. Why did I get the penthouse.' Stephan thought heading to his room in the elevator.

The elevator stopped and a boy his age got on. The boy looked at him and he looked back at the boy. There was something familiar about him.


Stephan's eyes grew wide at the word that came out of the boys mouth. He pulled his hood down showing his structured face.

FINISH LINE ━ oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now