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:Volt's POV:

Tim, err, Masky, finished his story already, and even though I'm only half way through the door he rereminds me

"Volt don't forget my cheesecakes!!"

I sighed as I continued walking. I would never tell Masky, but I have no clue how to cook anything outside the microwave, despite being a total genius. Oh, wait, I might be able to do dump cake, but I say might, though now I won't really mind some.. With ice cream... And...

The oven is now before me, and the horrendously terrible task of making two cheesecakes. As if one more isn't enough. I tip my hat to you, Masky, and f**k you too.

What do I do, what do I do? Preheat, right. But what temp?

I almost destroyed the kitchen, but then Kat came.

"Uhh, Volt, what are you doing?"

"Masky is making me make cheesecakes for him and now I'm in trouble cuz i donthaveanyclueonhowtomakecheesecakeanditishurtingmybrain. . . . "

Kat gave me the weird look. I don't believe she understood.

"Um, can you help me make cheesecake?"

Kat smiled. She caught on fast enough.

Soon we were well into making cheesecake. Kat seemed to know just how to make it, and is making me help around. I feel very awkward, for Kat is making the cheesecake after Masky told me to do it. Oh well, Masky. At least it was made by a girl, instead of Jeff, or worse EJ.

While they were in the oven Kat told me some special news.

"Guess what?" She bubbled excitedly. "We're going on our first spree! Isn't that great?"

"Really? When? Where?"

Tonight. I don't know where. As far as I know it could be anything from a campground to a resedent town."

This will be a big deal.

"Tonight, Kat?" I asked again.

"Yes!" Then she started to chatter about normal girl stuff I would not understand. While she continued I took the cakes out of the oven and put them down on a rack to cool. Kat will remember to put it in the fridge, maybe. I walk down the hall and up the stairs to my room, and took out my electrical whip. I coiled it up and strapped it to my belt. For the rest of the day, I planned, I will train.

I went to the yard. Hoodie was the only other one there, and, he was.. Picking flowers.? Weird s**t. I trained, pretending the totally gay proxy was not there. It was going fairly well. Just pretend he is not there, there is no Hoodie, or at least not here. He is.. He is stuffing his face with cheesecake along side is comrad Masky. Hoodie is not here...

"Hi!" Says a really, really shy voice. "What are you doing? And why are you talking about me to yourself?"

I slowly turn. Then I was nose to nose with large red eyes.

"I screamed. " EEEEHYYEEKKK!!! Hoodie!! Hoodie.. Wtf? Why? What are you doing... Here?"

Hoodie cocks his head. "I was picking some flowers for Masky. It might sound weird, but he, likes flowers too!"

I just stare at this weirdo, trying to imagine what he does as a CP. Does he kill people with his gayness?

Lost in my thoughts, I had drifted off. But when I refocused, Hoodie had vanished, or awkwardly walked off on me. Eh, now I could train in peace.

I trained till seven, when Liu came to announce our departure. Liu himself came along with us, using.. The same pills as Masky to keep Sully out. I'm not dumb, I know about those pills. And I know they keep 'two sidedness' stay out. It seems to be effective, for Sully remained quiet. Well, it did work on Tim.

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