Long Lost Royal Found

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31st August 1997 was the most tragic year in English History, it was the day that made the whole world stop and turn their eyes towards England, mainly blaming France for this tragidy that struck the world, as on this day, Princess Diana Princess of Wales died in a tragic car accident in the Pont De I'Alma road tunnel in Paris, France.

I didn't know much about this tragidy as I was only four years old at this time, I was barely getting over sleeping on my own and here we are me and my mother sitting on the sofa watching the tragic news of this Princess' death, how her poor two son's have been left behind with their father while their mother is being carried away,

"Mummy, what would happen now then?" I asked my mother while looking at the screen,

"Well they'll be living with their father"

"At least they still have their father, mummy when is daddy coming back?" I asked sitting up,

"He isnt sweetie" she moved the hair out of my face, "Daddy has to move so he can have a better job"

"Couldn't we go with him?"

"No sweetie, it's just for him" she hugged me tighter, I never knew that day my father left me and my mother for another family, but there was another secret ready to unwind something so life changing it was almost like a fairytale.

13 years later

Todays date: 5th of September 2010. I'm now 16 years old.

"Ella! Come on your going to be late for your first day back at school!" my mum shouted from up the stairs, I groaned getting out of bed throwing the covers off me letting the cold British air hit the revealing parts of my skin sending goosebumps down my body, I jumped out of bed looking at my alarm clock 7:15 I had just an hour to get ready for school my first day back at Eagle High as a sixth form student lets just say I'm nervous AND excited. "ELLA!" my mother shouted making me jump,

"I'm up!" I shouted out towards my open door, I heard her muffle an okay from downstairs before I walked into my closet grabbing a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a smart shirt with a blazer along with my converses. Casual but still smart for sixth form, I walked into my bathroom hopping into my shower washing my hair and body before hopping out again to start getting ready first my underwear slipped on and then my jeans, I sprayed from spray onto my body before putting on my shirt I blew dried my long blonde hair letting it all fall and cascade down my back, I applied some makeup to my sort of olive skin by applying some bronzer to give some colour, some eyeliner to make my blue eyes stand out and finally some chapstick to my lips. I looked in the mirror smiling getting slightly more excited each second goes by. I looked at my clock 8:05, perfect! Just on time for me to leave, I searched my room for my bag putting it onto my shoulder and making my way downstairs.

I walked towards our kitchen just as the toaster popped open with two slices of toast, I grabbed them out of the toaster setting them on a plate and grabbing the nutella my mother already placed on the kitchen counter, I grabbed a knife from the 2nd drawer and started to spread on the chocolate spread before stuffing it into my mouth when my mother walked over with a cup of tea, 2 sugars just the way I like it, I smiled and took it in my hand while I finish off my pieces of toast,

"You excited for today?" she said sitting down on one of the stools of our kitchen island which acted as a table for our meals,

"Yeah really excited" I said turning around still eating my toast,

"Think your classes would be good?"

"I just pray that they'll be good and the coursework and exams wont be too hard" I muttered taking another bite out of my toast,

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