I'm coming for you

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Ella's POV

I've been missing for nearly over three days now, my kidnappers still wont tell me where I am, my brothers deadline is another two days away, I cant believe these people are blackmailing my brothers just to get money. I hope my brothers find us soon and kill have their heads these worthless creatures deserve whats coming to them.

"Princess, it's lunch time" one of them entered with a tray, oh great. The food was mushy disgusting goo between two slices of bread, it made me vomit, but I had to eat it in order to stay alive. He placed the tray infront of my and picked up the sandwhich and held it to my mouth, I turned my head when the smell hit my nose making me gag, "You have to eat princess, keep you nice and healthy"

"I rather starve" I said with coldness. He grabbed my jaw and made me look at him, he pulled my mouth open making me wince at the pain as he stuffed the sandwhich into my mouth,

"I wont tell you again, eat." he shouted and stuffed some more in, I bit his finger on purpose when he stuffed more in, he jumped and yelped in pain as blood started to drip out of the cut I left, I swallowed the sandwhich and looked at him. "You stupid bitch!" he shouted and slapped me hard across the face making me scream in pain as he then punched me in the stomach.

"STOP!" one of my kidnappers shouted, I looked up at him with tears in my eyes, "We dont want her dead, leave her to it, we need your help" and the kidnapper who slapped me ran up the stairs, "We need to get a plaster on that" the other kidnapper said and looked at me smiling, they vanished in the doorway and slammed the door. I was left on my own where I cried.

Jonah's POV

We've been in Baghdad for two days and still no sign of Ella, I'm pulling my hair out, where the hell is she! I'm going to find these bastards and kill them for taking her, William and Harry was in their room pointing out places they could have gone, this is taking too much time, we have to get going otherwise they'll do something to her, our deadline wasnt far off either we had the money all ready to give to them but we had to know where we was going to meet them to trade the money for Ella. I sighed and walked out of the room and towards the reception, I took a look around before sighing, I missed Ella a lot and I'll do whatever it takes to get her back.

I took a break from thinking and decided to go for a quick jog around the streets, mainly to see if I could spot something, I walked out of the hotel and headed down the street taking a slow steady pace trying to push Ella out of my mind and focus on what I needed to find. I ran past a few shops but stopped when I saw one shop that had books in. I stopped jogging and walked into the shop, I had a look around all the books and thought how Ella would love this shop. She loved books and reading. I was looking at one book when a man was next to me,

"Excuse me please" he spoke in an accent, I said sorry and moved in more to the bookshelf. He was rude he didnt even say thank you, I looked at the man again and pulled out a photograph of Ella, I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder,

"Hi, sorry to bother you" I held the photo up, "But I'm looking for this girl, her name is Ella Spencer, have you seen her anywhere?" I pleaded, he looked at the photo for a while before looking at me,

"No" he said and walked away. I was sure he was lying to me. When he said no he looked to the left a little, and you know what they say, look to the left and your lying. He left the shop as soon as possible and I followed him, he started to walk off in one direction and I followed him keeping my distance so he wouldnt get suspicious of me. Every time he turned around I would hide behind a wall he never saw me, I followed him for about 20 minutes until we got up to an old fashioned stone building I hid behind the wall near the gate and looked at the man be greeted by two other men, they was talking but I couldnt quite hear what they was saying but the man handed over some rope to the men and they all smiled, well that was weird. They then vanished inside and I felt my stomach drop, I had no leads to Ella's kidnap, I kicked the wall in anger and slid down the wall till I saw something sparkle in the sun, I leaned over to look at it and picked it up, a little canvas and paintbrush charm I turned it around to see the engraved E.W, my eyes widened, this was off Ella's charm bracelet! I got up and ran with the charm in my hand back to the hotel, I raced up the steps and burst into the doors,

"Jonah what's wrong?" William asked when I walked towards them,

"I know where she is" they looked at me in a confused way,


"I got a bad vibe off this guy when I spoke to him and I followed him to this old stone building, I found this" I put the charm down on the table, "That's Ella's, its from her charm bracelet" William picked up the charm and looked at it,

"Jonah, this could be anyones, we cant go raiding a building we dont know because of you getting a bad vibe off some guy" William spoke putting the charm down, "I know you thought you found her, but it's impossible to think it's hers when loads of other people could have this charm"

"But if you look at the back-"

"Not another word Jonah otherwise we're banning you from this mission, we have a sister to find" William cut me off. I grabbed the charm and walked out the door, I looked down the charm and headed back for my room, I sat on my bed holding the charm between my thumb and index finger.

"Ella, I'm coming for you, hold tight" I whispered into the charm hoping my words travelled to her to keep her faith.

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