Back to school... this should be fun -.-

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Ella's POV

The next week flew by quickly and before I knew it, school was starting tomorrow and I had no idea wether to go back or not. Today was of course a Sunday so a typical Sunday roast was in order to celebrate me going back to do my studies, in all fairness I was scared shitless about going back. I was going to be judged by everybody I knew. I sighed and pushed my dinner away from me.

"I'm going to head off early I'm not feeling to great" I told Harry and walked up towards my bedroom I opened my bedroom door and walked inside I looked at the clothes for tomorrow and felt an urge to be sick, sick with nerves. I walked into my bathroom and got changed out of my jeans and vest and into my nightgown, I opened my duvet and climbed inside letting the duvet cover me warming me up from the cold January air. Sleep soon over came me.

The next morning.

"Ella? Come on baby sis it's time for school" Harry spoke while gently shaking me,

"No I'm too sick" I lied,

"Ella wake up now" Harry pulled the sheets from me revealing the cold air to my skin,

"Okay I'm up!" I shouted at him,

"I'll see you downstairs in half an hour" Harry said and walked out of my room, I groaned and started to get myself ready, I grabbed my clothes and fresh underwear walking into my bathroom taking a hot shower, I climbed out got myself dry and got dressed, I curled my hair, applied little makeup and grabbed my bag before leaving my room. I walked down the hall till I met Harry in the kitchen munching away on a full English breakfast. I gagged at the thought of food.

"Morning sleepy head, food?" Harry spoke with his mouthfull,

"I thought grandma told you never to chew with your mouth open" I muttered, "And no thanks, not hungry"


"More than anything" I muttered again while putting my books in my bag,

"Come on lets get you to school" Harry spoke pushing his plate away from him, I took in a deep breath and followed him out to the car awaiting for the both us. Harry opened the door for me and I climbed in slowly and nervously, Harry then joined me and we was on our way. Every minute was haunting as we got closer to my school, we got towards Enfield and my heart was skipping beats.

"Ella, we're here" Harry spoke taking my hand, I looked out my window to see people looking at the car, I knew my life was different now, I was going to be judged by everybody.

"I'll see you after school" I climbed out and everybodies eyes hit me, people turned to their friends whispering, peoples gares were boreing into my body. I shrugged my bag up my shoulder and walked into the school I got towards the sixth form common room when I saw Roxy walking up near the bike shed, I stopped in my tracks and waited for her, she saw me and stopped her eyes looking into mine,

"Ella" she spoke,

"Hey Rox" I smiled as she got closer to me,

"Oh my god" was all she could say as she held me close, I wrapped my arms around her and cried into her,

"I've missed you girl"

"I've missed you too Ella, lets get to the common room and away from these people" she spoke and took my arm walking with me to the common room. But that was just as bad everybody stopped and stared, I took a deep breath as Roxy pulled me over to a table that were Sarah, Samantha and Elkie, seeing Elkie made me remember our talk on the phone after exposing my secret,

"Hey guys" I said shyly,

"Ella welcome back" Samantha spoke while getting up to give me a hug, I hugged her back and another was followed by Sarah,

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