Happy Seventeenth

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Ella's POV

 *One Month Later*

"Happy birthday baby girl, wakey wakey" my mother said quietly while coming into my room with a cup of tea at the ready, she sat down on the side of my bed gently stroking my hair, I opened my eyes and stretched before getting up taking the tea from my mother,

"Thank you mum, just another year though" I frowned it was true, I was 17 today on this beautiful October morning and I felt nothing, nothing special just another year of hard work, a typical life of Ella Diana White.

"You never know baby, I have a feeling this year is going to be a good year for you" my mother said getting up, but before she left she turned around in my doorway, "You better hurry and get dressed for school sweetie"

"Okay I will mum!" I said in a cheery tone, I sipped some more of my tea while picking out my school uniform when I heard my phone buzz I ran over towards my bed grabbing my phone off the nightstand and answering my phone without looking at the caller I.D, "Hello?" I asked into the phone,

"Good morning Ella, how are you?" I heard a strong voice come from the other end,

"Prince Harry, good morning to you too, I'm very well thank you, how about you?"

"I'm very well thank you, a little birdy on Facebook told me its your seventeenth birthday today, is he correct?"

"He is correct" I laughed getting up from my bed and into the bathroom,

"Happy Birthday Ella, what you planning on doing today?"

"Err.. Going to school and slaving away as usal" I laughed, "What about you?"

"Me and William have some meeting with my father about some royal dinner thats coming up in a few weeks, hey Ella, has you mother given you anything yet for your birthday?"

"Erm no why?"

"Just wondering, well I better leave you to get ready for your day at school, Happy Birthday Ella"

"Thank you Prince Harry, goodbye" I hung up the phone on him looking at it wierdly, what did he mean by that? Did he know something I didnt, of course he might know something because his the Prince. I sighed placing my phone on the sink before stripping off jumping into the shower I had a quick shower washing my body and then climbing out drying myself off before dressing into my black skinny jeans and black polo shirt, curling my hair applying some makeup before running downstairs towards the living room, where my mum greeted me with a few presents on the coffee table.

"Happy Birthday baby!" she shouted, I smiled while making my way over to the table, I picked up one present and ripped it open, then onto the next, and so on till I finished. I got a Nikon Camera, a Mac Book Air, box set of The Walking Dead season 1-2, and a ring from Links London.

"Thank you so much mum!" I screamed in happiness before giving her a huge hug.

"Your welcome my darling." I notice under one box was an envelope that looks old and slightly dated. I picked it up and looked at my mum whos eyes widened.

"What's this?" I ask while holding it up to her.

"You have to open it darling."

"Best find out what it is" I laughed ripping it open, inside the white envelope was a letter and a golden heart shaped pendant with a ruby in the middle I looked at my mum before looking to the letter which had on the front 'Do not open untill later'

"You didnt have to get me this mum!" I smiled it was beautiful.

"I didn't buy it Ella, it's an old necklace, it belonged to someone very special to you." she said,

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