The Secret

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Ella's POV

We drove through London till we hit Enfield stopping outside my home, tears formed in my eyes and burned my cheek as they fell down my face, knowing that I no more live here. I looked at my brothers who were looking at me with worried expressions, I shrugged them off and stormed out of the car and into my home slamming the door behind me. I ran upstairs grabbing my suitcase on the way up and throwing it on my bed I sat next to it debating whether to start packing or not. This was not going to be easy.

Harry's POV

"She's been in there for very long, she does know that she doesn't have to pack loads, most of her stuff at the palace is brand new" William spoke while looking at his watch, 

"William she wanted to say goodbye to her home, the home she grew up most of her life in, of course she'll take long" I bit back, I stared out the window to see a few lights turn on in the house, maybe she needed help? "I'll be back soon okay" I climbed out of the car going up to her front door and gently knocking, I waited for a while until a tearstained Ella answered, 

"Yes?" she asked, 

"You need any help sis?" I asked looking at her, her eyes were on the floor before she moved to the side to let me in, 

"Yeah please" she spoke weakly while walking through the house, now I know why Ella doesn't want to leave, this house had a glow to it, family photos hanging on the walls, interior that seemed to warm the rooms up, and it was all close there was no distance like there is at the palace, Ella lead me towards her room where I saw that everything was upside down all her clothes were on the floor and bed with her shoes, 

"Ella you don't need to pack everything, you have stuff at the palace" 

"No." she bit back and kept packing, I helped her in silence till she was fully packed, 

"Ready?" I picked up most of her bags, 

"Yeah I am" we walked through her home taking in everything around me, now I understand why Ella never wanted to leave this home, it was the place she grew up in and now we're ripping her away from it. 

"Ella?" she turned around wiping away her tears, "We're sorry but it is for the best" 

"Yeah, heard it before" she walked out and into the streets, I sighed and followed her this was going to be tougher than I thought.

Ella's POV

We drove back through London I stared out the window fighting back my tears that stung my eyes. My life was never going to be the same ever again, I will never live a normal life, I'm going to be snapped everywhere I go, people will notice me and ask for photos or autographs, this is not what I wanted at all! I stared some more as I said goodbye to my normal life as a 17 year old girl and to start a new life as a princess. I dug for my earphones stuffing them in and turning on Ke$ha - Goodbye, a slow soft song to match my mood, more tears formed but I refused for them to show. Harry and William where talking about something I couldn't care less about until I heard William speak, 

"Then it's settled" 

"What's settled?" I asked taking my earbud out, 

"Your attending boarding school next month when we enrol you tomorrow" William spoke, oh hell no. 

"No fucking way!" 

"Isabella, language please" 

"SCREW THIS! I refuse boarding school! You can take me away from my normal life and turn me into some puppet for publicity but boarding school is crossing the line!" I screamed in protest. 

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