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???'s POV

"Mom?.. Dad?.." I creep into my home when the moon is shining above my head, the creaking of the wooden floors welcoming me once again. Maybe I played out with my friends too late.

"Grandma? Grandpa?"

My house is silent.

"This isn't funny.." I mumble, looking left to right, checking the bedroom. Usually it's filled with lots of noise.

Our new family member is alone there, sucking on her thumb. But where's mom and dad?

Seeing that my baby sister isn't crying, I set off to the outside kitchen. Maybe they're there, cooking dinner.

The leaves crunch at every step, leaving me satisfied with the noise. I slide open the kitchen door and step in.

"Hey mom-" I stop in my tracks to see the lifeless body of my parents.. and my grandparents. 

There is a pool of blood that the bodies are swimming in. The smell sting my nose.

I stand there in complete shock when I hear shuffling in the corner.

Someone is here.

"Who- who are you?" I ask, grabbing an extra wooden plank that's thin and light enough for me to hold. Whoever that is, they're giving off creepy vibes.

"Hm?" I hear a melodic noise. I manage to grab a candle and shine it in the room. 

The colors on my face all drain.

"What- What are you?" I cry, stumbling backwards.

It stands up, wiping its mouth quite gracefully. "Why, this is my lucky day! These meals are coming straight towards their graves! This one looks chubby and young, too."

I throw the candle at the thing approaching me. It does absolutely nothing.

Come on, get yourself together! Be like a man!

"Ara~.. Poor thing.. has to die so soon!" It approaches closer, and closer..


"EEEEE!" I shriek, thinking I just got slashes cross my chest. 

I shut my eyes.

No pain.


No pain?

I slowly open my eyes, and they adjust to the surroundings. 

It was a creature with a very mad and red face!!!!!

"WHAT ARE YOU?!?!" I screech, throwing the nearest stick that was in my reach.

The thing easily dodges. "Calm down, child. I am a human."

I lower my hand. "P-prove it."

He takes off his mask, and I relax a little. He puts his mask back on, turns to the kitchen and sighs.

Oh right- my family..

"Are- are they dead?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.

He doesn't answer, but goes to move and bury them.

The man stays silent after finishing, and turns to me. "Is there any relatives that I can take you to?"

I think of my auntie and uncle, my cousins. I guess-

No. They..

I touch my face, and my fingers slide over my birth mark. More like a birth scar.

"I-" I hesitate, then shake my head. "I don't."

"Would you like to come with me?" He asks, holding out his hand.

I think. It would be better then being homeless.

Slowly, I raise my arm and take his hand, forgetting all about the baby crying in the background.


???'s POV (Different person)

I softly land on the ground without making any noise. Did Urokodaki come here on time?

I can faintly smell the blood lingering around this place. The smell stings my nose, but I get used to it soon later.

I get to my feet, adjusting my katana while doing so. My brown sleeves with little triangles ruffle soft noises as I dust off my pants.

"Kuwajima?" I hear my name get called, and I turn to face the red-masked water pillar. "What exactly are you doing here?"

"I came to check on you," I answer.

"I'm fine on my own."

I ignore him and my eyes travel over to the peach-haired boy holding onto Urokodaki for his dear life. 

"Who is he?" I ask, pointing at the child.

"None of your business. I told you I am fine. You should go back," Urokodaki says and turns around before disappearing with that boy. 

Typical Urokodaki.

Wahh! Wahh!


I turn to face the small home. Did I hear that right?

Slowly peaking in, the dark room shows nothing. But my eyes slowly adjust to the dark.

Furrowing my brows, I step inside the home to pick up a little girl baby laying there.

"What the-" I mutter, examining the baby carefully. "Did he seriously didn't check- nevermind.."

The baby opens her eyes. She looks at me and laughs. Do I look funny?

I guess it won't hurt to take this little one and train her. 

As the Sun rise above my head, I make myself towards my home with a little baby girl in my arms.

She will make a great swordsman. 


New characters unlocked!

-Jigoro Kuwajima

-Sakonji Urokodaki



New scene unlocked!

-&̵̳͎̰̀̈́̊͗̚@̶̡͔͖͉͈͍̰̽̓̃͜͜ͅ(̴̟͎̑!̸̡̧͗̓̇̃̄̈̊&̷̪̪͌̅̋̾̍̿̚̕͘͠#̸̧̧̛̤̳̞̈́̽̂'s house


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