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Kiyo's POV

I watch as Zenitsu slowly climb up the stairs, my eyes not leaving him until he's at the top.

Time to head.. somewhere.

I start to jog in a random direction. I see some people going for the final selection. It's sad to see that some of these people won't make it out of that mountain.

I look ahead, seeing another person with a sword coming towards me.

I observe him closely; he has some unique features.

A red-haired boy with a scar-like thing on his forehead. He has some sort of cloud haori on. The look of determination is on his face.

He notices me observing from a few feet away. His expression changes from determination to confusion, making him slow down. He looks kind of.. terrified? His face is pale.

He stops fully as I jog past him. That was weird. 

I look back while jogging. He's still standing there, looking at me.

Is he a creep or something??

Next thing you know, he's shaking his head and jogging towards the mountain again.

Okay then. Maybe he'll live, and I'll meet him to ask what that was all about.


It has been a week and a half, and I didn't encounter any demons. I have been running around so much. Thankfully I found a town to get some rest. The sun has already started to set.

Which means those stupid demons will come out. Or maybe I'll be unlucky again and not meet any.

This town is surrounded by mountains, which means it has the best hiding spots for demons to hide during the day.

"Young lady?" A voice pipes up from behind, and I turn around to face an old woman looking at me with curiosity. 

"Yes, Ma'am? Do you need anything?"

She looks around and looks back at me worriedly. "You should probably go to some other town. Weird things have been happening."

Weird things? "Ma'am, if it doesn't bother you, could you maybe specify that a little more?"

"If it makes you leave for your own safety, yes."

"I will leave after you tell me."

"Well.." She thinks for a while. "People have been going missing. The bodies were all found with their eyes- their eyes-"

"It's okay, ma'am. I think I get it now." I say calmly. "I will leave. Thank you for informing me."

The lady smiles. "You're welcome. Please, be safe."

I pretend to walk out of town, but when I see that the lady has went inside her home, I stay inside the main road.

Or maybe I should wait in the forest-

"AHHH!" A scream was heard from far away. I looked around town. No one was coming out to help.


I dash toward the noise, scanning my right and left. Empty.

Into the mountain I go.

I slow down as I enter the bushes, trying to make myself unnoticeable as much as I can.

"Shut up, woman! Gosh, why are humans so annoying? Can't you see that nobody is coming to save you?" A demonic voice hisses.

I hide behind a tree, peaking out just enough to see the two beings tangled up with one trying to escape.

𝘙𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 / 𝘬𝘯𝘺Where stories live. Discover now