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Kiyo's POV

I peak around the corner to see Tomioka-san talking with someone.

Brightening up that I finally found him, I run up.

"Tomioka-san!" I grin as I grab his haori. "I was looking everywhere for you!"

He looks down at me, then back at the man he was talking to.

I raise my head to see a red-masked man with a cloud hoodie looking down at me.

"This is the girl I was talking about, Urokodaki-sensei." Tomioka-san speaks up.

Whoa, people are talking about me now?

"What-" The masked man speaks. "That- that's not possible-.."

He crouches down, and grabs my shoulders slowly.


"Um," I say. "Hello, sir. You must be Tomioka-san's teacher."

Instead of replying, he pulls me into a grandparent-hug and sobs.

"Eh?" I widen my eyes. "Are you- are you alright?"

He just kept on sobbing, holding onto me.

Okay, let's think about this, Kiyo.

Maybe I remind him of someone; like a lost grandchild. Yeah, and I might look similar.

It's possible, right?

Awkwardly, I raise my hand to pat the man on the back. 

Will this help, or will it make him go crazy? Hallucinate? 

The man's weight suddenly gets heavier.

"Uh-- sir?" I ask, trying not to fall backwards. "You're kind of-"


I poke the man.

No response.

I poke him again.


"Did he faint on me?" I gasp, still struggling to stand properly.

Tomioka-san rushes over to pick him up. "It- it seems like so."

I push the man over to the water pillar. The old man's body slumps over Tomioka-san's arms like a dead corps.

"He's not- dead, isn't he?" I ask, unsure of the answer.

"No." Tomoiok-san replies, making me sigh in relief. "I will take him to my estate."


"You have a mission to go to, if you want, Kiyo." Ubuyashiki-sama sits across from me, requesting if I wanted to go on a mission.

"I would love to." I smile. "Where am I heading?"

"To a mountain. It's near the town of blossom."

I get to my feet, and bow. "Thank you very much! I will head there now!"

Oyataka-sama nods, and I turn to leave.


Ubuyashiki's POV

She accepts my offer and leaves, leaving me alone. 

My smile drops. 

Worries fill my head, as I try and push them out. She'll be alright. She's strong.

I sigh and shake my head. She can't go alone like this on a dangerous mission.

I call one of my daughters and she walks into the room.

𝘙𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 / 𝘬𝘯𝘺Where stories live. Discover now