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Kiyo's POV

Who.. who is this?

"Kiyo?" I hear Tanjiro's voice and quickly fold the sheet of painting and shove it down my pocket.

"Yes?" I answer, trying to sound like I haven't been looking through other people's stuff.

He enters this room. "Ah, great! This room is big so it can fit the three of us!"

"Aren't there other rooms I can sleep you know, separate?" I ask.

"Well, this part of the house is still intact. But the other rooms? There are a few holes. This is the best option we've got. Or you know, sleep out in the open living room where there are no doors."

"I was there when I passed out."

"We were with you, though."

I give up. "Fine. But I get that side of the room. Boys on the opposite side."

"Yep." Tanjiro nods. "It's only one day. Plus, you trust us, right?"

"Ehhh.." I narrow my eyes. "We'll see if I trust you guys.. but just saying.."

"Hm?" Tanjiro hums.

"I'll cut off your balls if any of you touch me in the middle of the night." I hiss, leaning closer.

Tanjiro backs away a little, his face losing color.

"Did- did I miss something?" I hear Iguro-san by the doorway.

"Ah! Great timing!" I clap. "You must've heard all the rules!"

He nods slowly, covering where the sun doesn't shine. "Yes ma'am."

"Good. Let's get settled, then."


Iguro's POV

Terrifying girl...

We set up our bedsheets on the floor neatly. The rock-head boy found them in one of the closets and brought them to us. It's not in horrible shape, I guess.

"Have a good night!" Kiyo smiles. 

"You too, I guess." I murmur under my breath.

Kamado looks at me with questioning eyes. "Aren't you a little stuffy, Iguro-san?"


"It's just that your mask must be uncomfortable when you're sleeping." The boy furrows his brows a little, his eyes soft.

"I'll be fine." I end the conversation and get into my blankets. "Oh-"

I grab my haori that's laid out to the side, and carefully pull out Kaburamaru. 

"Eek!" Kiyo screeches. "A snake!!!!!!!!"

Kaburamaru hisses at the sudden noise, which freaks Kiyo out even more. 

"Calm down, it won't hurt you." I sigh, placing the snake on the floor. "Don't leave this room, Kaburamaru."

The snake hisses softly, then starts heading straight towards Kiyo.

Kiyo jumps up, and flies mid-air towards Tanjiro. "IT'S GOING TO BITE ME!"

Kiyo sticks right by rock-head's side, not letting go of his arm. 

"It's fine." Tanjiro reassures her. "It won't bite."

By that point, Kaburamaru was right by Kiyo's side, starting to crawl up her legs.

"Are you 100% certain?" Kiyo mumbles, staying completely still.

"He won't bite. He's quite gentle if you ask me.. unless you try and scream as loud as you can." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

𝘙𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 / 𝘬𝘯𝘺Where stories live. Discover now