Chapter 8 - The Morning After

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Felix woke up in a different place than he fell asleep.

He remembered falling asleep in Chan's living room, on the couch, but now he was lying in a bed, in a room.

Felix could see the sunlight coming from one of the windows in the room.

Felix shifted to his side to grab his phone from the nightstand.

That's when he felt a presence shift behind him. He looked over and saw a sleeping Hyunjin next to him.

He looked ethereal.

Sometimes Felix didn't understand how Hyunjin was even a living person. How could someone be so perfect.

Felix was broken out of his thoughts as he heard Hyunjin mumble something before opening his eyes.

"Good morning Lixie." Hyunjin said with his eyes still half closed.

"G-goodmorning" Felix said, a bit too stunned to speak. (The woman was too stunned to speak...sorry.)

Hyunjin rolled over to his other side, and reached for what Felix guessed was his phone.

That's when Felix felt like it was time to get up. He was still wearing the comfy clothes he was wearing from the previous night.

Felix slowly and carefully got up from the bed, and crept his way to the door, which was on the wall, opposite of the side of the bed Felix was on.

He made his way around the bed, and was about to keep walking when he felt a large hand around his wrist.

"Where are you going?" A husky voice asked him.

Felix was spun around as Hyunjin pulled him closer. He could feel his ears and cheeks getting hot.

"U-uh-" Felix stuttered. Hyunjin pulled Felix closer so his lips were near his ear.

"Don't be so nervous Lixie, I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to." Hyunjin whispered in Felix's ear.

Felix was flustered, and all he could manage to do was nod.

Hyunjin let him go, and Felix stood there for a second, like a statue trying to sort everything out in his brain.

He finally walked towards the door, and left the room quietly. Closing the door before walking downstairs.

When he made it downstairs, he could see Jisung sitting at the kitchen counter on his phone

"Good morning Sungie." Felix said from behind Jisung.

"Ah! Good morning Lix !"
Jisung said with a smile.

Felix didn't hesitate, and got straight to the point.
"So, sung, how did it go with Minho hyung last night?" He said with a sly smirk.

"Oh, u-uh, it went well I guess. " Jisung said, his cheeks gaining a red-ish hue.

"What do you mean, you guess?" Jisung asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, he uh, asked me to be his boyfriend." Jisung said, a small smile appeared on his lips.

"OH MY GOSH REALLY???" Felix practically yelled, jumping up and down before hugging Jisung

"I'm so happy for you Sungie!!" He said before breaking away from the hug.
"Thanks Lix. So..... How did it go with you and Hyunjin?" He said, his smile growing.

"Oh well..."

Felix explains the entire thing to Jisung, even what happened this morning

"Oh my gosh, Lix!" Jisung said.

"Chillax Sungie, it's not like we're dating or anything."
Felix said as a small frown formed on his lips.

"What do you mean? WAIT! Are you saying he didn't ask to be your boyfriend yet? What the heck! Well...maybe you should just ask him? I mean, you guys are basically dating-"
Jisung rambled on.
Felix wasn't really listening though.
He was caught up in his thoughts.

Hyunjin never did ask him to date him.
Maybe it was all just an act.

Felix shook his head and went back to talking to Jisung.

They talked for a few minutes before Jeongin appeared in the kitchen as well

"Good morning innie." The two boys said.

"Morning guys! Did you sleep okay?" He asked.

They all talked for a little while as the remaining boys got up and out of bed.

Everyone gathered together at the dining table and ate together
But Felix still couldn't get those thoughts out of his mind.

'Did Hyunjin even want to ask me to date him, or was it all an act after all?'

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

I kinda forgot where I was going with it bc I wrote the first half, got busy, and forgot to write the second half.


Look forward to the next chapter!

I have some drama ready for you guys ;)

I love you, my MANIACS!!!


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