Chapter 13 - Struggling

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Hyunjin woke up to see Felix not in bed with him.

He stretched out his limbs, hearing a small pop come from his back as he stretched that as well.

He heard noises coming from the bathroom.

Hyunjin thought nothing of it, and got out of bed to get dressed.

He wore black jeans, with a black sweater, and a plain grey t-shirt underneath.

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Hyunjin was putting on his rings when he heard a noise come from the bathroom

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Hyunjin was putting on his rings when he heard a noise come from the bathroom.

He guessed Felix just bumped into the door or something, but then he heard a louder noise, like a bang, and then a thud.

Hyunjin ran over to the bathroom door, and knocked on it repeatedly.

"Felix? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

No response.

He knocked again.

"Felix, this isn't funny! Open the door! What happened?" He asked, jiggling the doorknob to find out it was locked.

'Forgive me Channie hyung' Hyunjin said inside his head as he started using his body, slamming it against the door, trying his best to get it open.

After a few tries, and Hyunjin slamming his whole body against the door, his friends started walking into the room.

"What the hell Hyunjin?! What's going on?" Chan asked from the doorway. A crowd of the other boys visible behind him.

"Felix..." Bang " in..." Bang " the..." Bang " locked-" Hyunjin paused for a second to catch his beath. " Hyung..." Bang " Call an..." Bang "Ambulance..."

Chan nodded and hurriedly walked out before he heard a breaking sound.

The door busted open, and Hyunjin saw Felix laying on the floor, a small puddle of blood was on the floor next to him.

Hyunjin could see small cuts on Felix's legs and arms, mostly on his thighs.

Hyunjin felt tears forming in his eyes as he lifted Felix up bridal-style, and carried him out of the bathroom.

He heard sirens outside, that ambulance came quick.

Hyunjin carried Felix to the paramedics, explaining the situation to them. They took Felix away, and put him on a stretcher, bringing him into the van.

Hyunjin tried to go with them, but Chan wouldn't let him, and he went instead, saying, "Hyunjin, I know you want to be with him, but you don't need to see him like that right now, just meet us at the hospital once everyone is dressed and ready to go." He said before hopping into the back of the ambulance.

Hyunjin stood in Chan's driveway and watched the ambulance take off quickly down the road.

All of the boys were outside, dressed, and ready to go to the hospital after around ten minutes.

Everyone packed into the cars, and drove off to the hospital.

Once the boys were at the hospital, Hyunjin practically jumped out of the car, and sprinted inside, running up to the front desk.

"hello sir, how can I help you?" The young receptionist asked.

"Uh, I'm here to see Lee Felix, which room is he in?" Hyunjin asked, practically panting from running.

"Room 143, sir." The receptionist said. "Thank you so much." Hyunjin said, quickly bowing his head, and dashing off to Felix's room, the other boys following slightly behind him.

Hyunjin walked in, and saw Chan next to Felix's bed.

He had an IV in his arm, and his eyes were closed, but Hyunjin could see his chest moving up and down slowly.

Chan stood up, and faced Hyunjin.

"He's okay, but he's sleeping, I'll give you two some space." The older said, giving Hyunjin a small smile before exiting the room.

Once he was out of the room, he explained the situation to the rest of the boys, and they all made their way to the waiting lounge.

Inside the room, Hyunjin took a seat next to Felix's hospital bed, grabbing his small hand, and placing it in his.

Hyunjin sat with Felix for around 15 minutes before he started stirring in his sleep.

Felix then slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the bright lights of the hospital.

... Hospital?
But when Felix passed out, he was in the bathroom?

He looked around for a second until he saw Hyunjin, looking right back at him.

Hyunjin just looked at Felix. He didn't say anything. Mostly because he had no idea what to say.

After a few minutes of the boys looking at each other, Hyunjin finally spoke with a small and broken voice.

"Why did you do it, Lix?"


How did y'all like this chapter?

I'm sorry for making it sad, but it will get better, I promise.

Also, y'all should be grateful, I'm publishing two chapters in one day ;)

Much love to all.

TYSM for reading.


I love you, my MANIACS.


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