Chapter 14 - The truth

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"Why did you do it, Lix?"

He saw a tear escape Hyunjin's eye.


He hated making people cry. He hated making people upset because of him.
Why did he always have to screw everything up?

Felix closed his eyes and took a shaky breath before opening them again, looking Hyunjinin the eyes.

Hyunjin's eyes never left Felix's, searching, scanning for any answer, anything that could tell him why Felix would do this to himself.

"Because he used to tell me I should..." Felix said quietly. A tear also escaping from his eyes.

Felix removed his eyes from Hyunjin's, and looked down to his hand that was in the others, Felix smiled softly at it, how his small hand was swallowed up by the other's large one.

"Who used to tell you that you should?" Hyunjin asked, a bit of anger was evident in his voice.

Felix took a deep breath before answering.
"My ex. Akuma. He told me I should because I deserved it. And eventually, I thought the same thing." He paused.

"Maybe seeing him again set me off. I-i don't know." He took a small breath. "Nothing feels right anymore, Jin. It feels wrong, like I want to get rid of every part of myself that he touched, every part he kissed, every part he even looked at, I want it all gone." Felix said, more tears started falling down his angelic face.

Hyunjin moved from his chair next to the bed to sit down on the bed in front of Felix so he could look at him easier.

"I'm so sorry Lix. " Hyunjin said, kissing the back of Felix's hand lightly.

"I know you feel this way, but you can't hurt yourself." He said, looking Felix in the eyes once again.

"B-but J-jinnie-" "no, Lix."
Felix was cut off.

"Don't hurt yourself because of him. Don't hurt yourself because he told you that you should, don't hurt yourself, because when you hurt yourself..." Hyunjin paused.

"When you hurt hurt me, Lix. So please, stop."
He pleaded.

Felix nodded.
No matter how much he felt the need to do it, he could never hurt Hyunjin.

Hyunjin smiled at Felix, kissing his hand again.

After a few minutes of peaceful silence, Chan walked into the room.

"Oh, Felix, you're awake!" He said, a smile appearing on his face, he was holding a bag in one of his hands, and a larger one in the other

"Good thing, too, because the doctor said you can go home, you can just change, and then we can leave, they have the paperwork done already." He said, handing Felix a bag of his clothes.

"Okay, thank you, hyung." He said, smiling at the older male.

Chan just nodded, and walked out of the room .

Hyunjin didn't move from where he was.

"J-jinnie, I need to get changed" Felix said, noticing Hyunjin wasnt moving.

"I'm not leaving." He said, looking at Felix.

"But-" Hyunjin cut him off, again, "no but's, I'm staying, and that's that. Just go behind the curtain, I won't watch you." He said turning around from said curtain so Felix could change.

Felix changed, and walked out from behind the curtain, Hyunjin, still sitting in the chair, grabbed Felix's wrist, and pulled him over closer to himself

Hyunjin pulled Felix down to his level before giving him a small peck on the lips.

He then stood up, took Felix's hand in his, and walked out of the hospital room.

-------Time skip...1 month after incident-------
(Yeah, kinda a jump, but just imagine Felix is healed now, and is doing fine, okay?)

At the house, most of the boys had left. Minho and Jisung went to go see a movie, Seungmin and Changbin wanted to go to their apartment for a while, and Jeongin and Chan went grocery shopping, so it was only Felix and Hyunjin in the house.

Both of the boys were on the couch, watching something random that showed up on the TV.

Felix had his head resting on Hyunjin's shoulder, the older's arms were wrapped around the other's torso.

After a few minutes, Felix sat up, and looked at Hyunjin.

He couldn't help but smile.

Hyunjin was perfect. His features were just ethereal.

His jawline that was so sharp, Felix was pretty sure that it could probably cut something.
His perfect nose, and beautiful eyes, oh those sharp, siren eyes could hypnotize him in any way.
Even his lips were perfect.

It wasn't long before Felix acted upon his instinct, and moved his head to kiss Hyunjin.

Hyunjin was slightly surprised, but kissed Felix back, his hands making their way to Felix's waist.

Felix moved from his spot next to Hyunjin, to Hyunjin's lap, placing his hands on Hyunjin's shoulders.

Hyunjin made the first move this time and crashed their lips together, making the normal kiss turn into a full make out session.

Hyunjin's hands gripped Felix's waist tighter, making the younger slightly whine.

Hyunjin pulled apart from the kiss, breathing heavily.

"What are you trying to do, angel?"


So, how did y'all like this chapter?
We learned the truth from Felix!
Also, I only did a time skip bc I didn't wanna bore y'all with multiple chapters of just after the whole hospital thingy, so, ur welcome.

Also, there may or may not be a spicy chapter (or two) ahead, so be ready for that ;)


Tysm for reading

I love you, my MANIACS.


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