Chapter 9- Trouble with John

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  • Dedicated to Jackson Bradshaw


ok here's the moment you've been waiting for.....CHAPTER 9!!!!! :D ok so i forgot my flashdrive when i went to my grandma's house so i couldn't update until now. Oh well. Here it is......


I really did not like the fact that we were staying in a waterpark resort. I was scared to death of water and I really did NOT want to go swimming. I was happy that the guys left me alone to think about some things. I had peace and quiet. No cameras, paparazzi, screaming fans (that’s what I was sad about), work, rehearsal, none of it. I could relax and enjoy the day, so that’s exactly what I did. I sat there in the sun, soaking it up. Out table was right under the window so the sun’s rays hit me and warmed my skin. I put my shades on and I slowly began to drift to sleep. I dreamt of Niall, Harry, Liam, and Louis all crying over something. Hannah was there and we were in the middle of nowhere. I recognized this place but I forget how I’ve been here before. It was like a cloud of sadness that was around us and I saw what was in front of us. It was a tombstone that said Zayn Malik on it. Suddenly I felt wet and water began rushing up all around me. Everyone stood there sad and I was sinking to the bottom. I tried to swim up but something was holding me there. It felt cold and I shivered. I looked down and it was a chain that was attached to my grave. I tugged at the chain to get away from it, but I couldn’t release myself. I began to feel out of breath and I ran out of energy. At the last second I looked above and there was a mermaid swimming to me and she pulled me to the top. I coughed up water as I was put on the beach with her. She became human and I slowly fell asleep.

When I woke up it felt so real. The mermaid was beautiful. She had curly blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes. I felt like that dream meant something but I told myself it was nothing. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked to see Hannah.

“You ok??” she asked me.

“What??” I asked confused and still in a daze.

“Why aren’t you joining us on the slides??” She questioned. Her eyes were sparkling with happiness and energy.

“I’m scared of the water.” I told her.

“OMPancakes!!!” She said. I laughed.

“Pancakes??” I asked. I was confused.

“Yeah, I really like them and it sounds funny!!” She replied giggling. This girl was nuts.

“You are one crazy person.” I told her.

“I know my friend tends to remind me a lot.” She said.

“Friend?? Why not friendsssss??” I asked.

“I have one friend. Her name is Lulu Fulcon.” She told me, but I could tell she was lying.

“Wow. You just struck me as a person with a lot of friends. I mean you’re so nice and funny.” I told her truthfully. She just seemed chill and cool to hang out with, I had no idea why she didn’t have more friends.

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