~fight for life~

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A/n: HEY PPL! I have a feeling this story is turning more into a animal story so I'm gonna name it: ~the journey~ how do ya think of that? With a different cover.
I think my writing improved also.
Angel's POV: why? I thougt as I layed there, gashes and deep scratches covering my body. My ears were pinned back, and I layed there unmoving, blurry images and weak sounds moving infront of me. Pain... Just pain filled my body. Wait, is that.. Exalibur? Miracle? I opened my mouth to whine, but only a weak sound came out. I saw a blue head swing around to see me, his face becoming more clearer, and his green eyes and red ears and blaze staring into me, before a black wolf clung onto his neck and a mighty roar escaped the night fury's jaws, before he shealthed his claws and scratched the wolf's neck, leaving him stumbling into a tree, getting up and shaking his head.
I finaly realized, that night fury is Exalibur! A new strength built up inside me, I shook my head and the blood escaped my eyes, my vision becoming normal. I got up on shaky yet sturdy legs and howled into the air, all my pain escaping me, even though I could feel the hot wet liquid dripping down my fur. I dropped my head and turned around to face Slashpaw, the black wolf who attacked Exalibur, my back arched and my teeth bared, (the pic) Exalibur faced me with wide eyes, blood dripping down his neck. The wolves did to, their bloody coats shining in the wind. "Well, don't just stand there like a bunch of runts! FINISH HER!" Slashpaw howled, running tword me, to attack. For a moment I saw a black figure jump at me slowly, before my life flashed infront of me, and then I felt his jaws line up with my muzzle.

Exalibur's POV: I reared up on my back legs, before stomping the ground, throwing of my attacker, leaving his jaws giving me one good scrape, before I turned around and saw one mighty grey wolf, clinging on to my mate, miracle's, ear. I roared and soared to her, shooting a blast, which knocked the wolf of, leaving him groaning on the ground, and miracle with a half torn ear, matching the left side. I licked her ear, cleaning up the blood. "Are you ok?" I whined. "I- I'm.. I'm ok. But look!" She swung her head around, leaving me to see a bloodied white wolf, which also happened to be angel. Slashpaw was holding onto her neck, scraping his hind claws on a opened wound. Angel yelped loudly. "Angel!" I bellowed, jumping into the air and dive-bombing on Slashpaw, pinning him to the ground and clamping my jaws on his neck, him scrambling with his claws on my right front leg. I tried to hold back the pain, but insted I tightened my grip on his neck. "Surrender, Slashpaw!" I said threw clamped jaws. He was gasping for air, but he smirked. "Never! You surrender!" He yelped and the pack raised their heads, then they charged.

Miracle's POV: I felt the grip of a sand-coulored wolf loosen and I perked my ears and raised my head, only to see the pack charging tword exalibur. I bellowed and ran tword Exalibur prying some wolves of him. Until I saw Slashpaw come tword angel. I ran as fast as I could to Slashpaw, Exalibur was lying there, still as a rock. I jumped, my wings spreading to angel, Slashpaw lifted his head and gasped as I shot a lethal plasma blast to him. He rolled across the ground, and stoped and layed there, his flanks heaving and a trinkle of blood escaping his mouth. I shook myself and walked over to Exalibur, who lifted his head and smiled at me. "Good job" he rasped. I cought his head before it hit the ground. "You to, Exalibur. We have to get you and angel home. You ok to walk?" I bellowed. "I'm fine." He simply said, and got up on unsturdy legs. I walked over to angel and picked her up on my back, flew up to the air, and roared in victory. Exalibur did to. We are one.

~the journey~ (wattys 2015)Where stories live. Discover now