All in harmony

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Last chappy before the journey: 2, ~into the mist~ coming soon! I wanted to end it more earlier, and happier if u read my a/n.
Btw, who is that baby night fury in the pic? 😏
Angel's POV: it was about two months after the battle with slashpaw's new pack. Things have changed around here, we found a new territory, which was far from Slashpaw. It was surrounded by trees and had a water hole in the middle, three dens, and something that looked like a food storage hole deep in the undergrowth. It was a perfect place to raise my pups and moon.

I padded out of me and my pups den, stretched, and jumped back a little when moon, miracle and exalibur's pup, jumped infront of me. "Morning, angel! Where is Sadie and Emma?" I eyed the little night fury cub and looked back to the den to see my 10 month old pups sleeping soundly. They are almost as big as me, and 3 months older than moon. "They are sleeping. I bet Exalibur will wake them when he says for me to go hunting." I said, chuckled, and rolled my eyes. "Oh. Thanks, angel!" Moon ran up to her father. Poor cub. She can't even fly.

Exalibur's POV: I saw moon coming toward me. I dipped my head and perked my ears in greeting. "Hello, moon!" I bellowed cheerfully. "Hey, dad." Moon spread her wings, stretching out the ripped one. She whined softly, remembering the day it did so. Miracle came up to me and nudged my shoulder. I dipped my head in greeting before focusing on moon. "Emma and Sadie are sleeping. Angel said you might wake them up when you send her out hunting." Moon explained, chuckling. Exalibur tilted his head, showing no emotion at all. "Actualy, I was thinking on sending you out hunting." He glanced at miracle, who nodded In agreement. "Me?! Why?!" Moon got up from her sitting position, growling in her throat. "Moon, you can't just sit around all day doing nothing. Your amazing at hunting even without flying. You can swim like us, sneak like us.." Miracle explained, giving moon a little nudge on the snout which made her wince. Moon perked her ears and walked away in complete silence tword the forest.

Moon's POV: (yay!) I walked out Into the dark forest, my anger trying to keep contained. "I'm not good at hunting.. I'm worthless." I told myself silently, tears threatening to spill. I saw a tree with extra branches stretching forward, providing great shade. I padded to it at a higher speed and turned around a few times, then layed down, head on my paws and tail curled around my body. My eyes were open, so I could still watch for danger. That's when I saw a mouse scurrying across my paws. I shrieked and jumped up, crushing the mouse underneath my paws. I heard the crunching sound of bones and I lifted my paws to see blood all over them. I licked it of and looked down at the prey. "I kill things even by accident." I flattened my ears to the back of my head. Suddenly, my mood changed. I felt proud. I realized I was a born hunter, granted a gift by moon pack. (The spirit they belive in) my eyes brightened, and I layed down under the tree, enjoying the meal i cought myself.

Well, this is it my fellow readers!! The End of the first book! Don't worry, I'm currently working on the second book called: the journey, 2, into the mist.

I hope you enjoyed the first book! Vote, comment, and follow!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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