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"Why did you have to announce your origin so loudly? Now everyone knows you're an Addams" Kusuo said while they walk together. Their friends wanted to invite her somewhere but Ferine said that she promised to make Kusuo a snack

"I realize that it might trouble you but I am not ashamed of my family. Plus they would all know anyway, might as well let it be known from me" Ferine said "I'm sorry Kusuo. But I must also say that I have been considerate of you a lot and I will continue to do so but can I not have moments like this?'

"... Whatever I'll deal with it. It's not the worse" Kusuo said

Ferine smiled as they passed a bridge. Ferine looked down "Kusuo. I'm craving adrenaline"

"..Excuse me?"

"I'm starting to feel bored. I want an attack or some kind of exciting thing to happen" Ferine climbed over the bridge railing and she didn't look very balanced standing on it

"I'm not going to swim with you if that's what you're asking" Kusuo said

"I'm not gonna swim, I can't swim. Never learned how. Never need to" Ferine said before jumping


"....Is she just fooling around or she really doesn't know how to swim? I can't tell..." Kusuo looked around as there were no people close to them so he teleported at the water

"Kusuo you came" Ferine roughly grabbed on to Kusuo, almost as if she's trying to drag him down "Hey can you actually swim or are you just using your powers to float?"

"Let's just go home-" Kusuo said but paused in shock when he couldn't stay afloat "What's happening now? Argh did that guardian spirit of hers do this to me? Why can't I float up?.... Do I really not know how to swim?"

"Haha I guess you don't" Ferine sank as well cause she also can't swim

"Whatever I can still breathe underwater. Just hope whatever weird thing Ferine does doesn't affect me" Kusuo looked up at Ferine "..Hm.. she's really struggling.... Is she... Drowning.. like actually drowning?"

Ferine wasn't trying to go up on the surface either

"...Is she trying to kill herself right now? Oh gosh she's not even trying to hold her breath, she's inhaling water" Kusuo looked a little alarmed and tried to swim for the first time but while he's attempting that. Ferine saw him and chuckled at him "is she seriously laughing at me right now?"

"Ah the bliss, is that my great grandma frump? Haha"

Kusuo gasped, this is the first time he has ever heard her thoughts, he looked back at her and saw her really looking bad. He set that aside for now and tried to save her

"Huh? Are these bags? Wait are those people from in the river?" A thought Kusuo heard from a distance. Kusuo knows that person. The guy somehow always gets himself in a situation that he has to help people. Normally it's troublesome but right now it's great timing

"Hm? That's Hairo"

"ARE YOU OK?!?!?!?!!!??!??"

"Finally someone to save us... I need to keep Ferine on a short leash"

(Time skip)

Hairo pulled both Kusuo and Ferine out of the water. Kusuo faked to cough a bit to not put suspicion on him that he has powers but Ferine was a little limp

Hairo didn't waste any time and did cpr on Ferine

"..Well I can hear her heartbeat so she's not dead. And if she really does that easily, I feel like Kuusuke won't hire her as a labrat. She's durable for a reason" Kusuo thought "But I'm pretty sure I heard her thoughts earlier. It would have been easier if I can always hear it.. can I only hear it if she's in a near death state?"

*Cough cough*

Ferine sat up

Hairo sighed in relief and pulled away from her to let her cough "We should still take you to the hospital just in case... wait... the new kid?! Saiki?! What are both of you doing?! How did you end up like that?!"

"Oops" Ferine smiled

"Oops?! She did all of that on purpose" Kusuo sighed

"Sorry for causing you trouble. I wanted to play and Kusuo came to save me but then it occurred to him that he also can't swim so I guess we were drowning" Ferine hugged Kusuo and looked at him "It was pretty funny but I appreciate you coming"

Kusuo pulled away "I guess drowning is funny to her"

"While it's admirable he came to save you but why were you playing when you can't swim?" Hairo asked

"I was simply bored. But drowning was nice.. almost drowning at least" Ferine said. She even sounded a little disappointed

"I can't even use my powers to dry myself because Hairo is watching" Kusuo is just waiting for Hairo to go away now

"Anyways thank you for doing something with good intentions even though I didn't need it. I appreciate your effort and sincerity. Sorry you got wet too" Ferine said


"I'm fine. Thank you very much"

Hairo looked away when Ferine stood up because her clothes clung to her body, it wasn't see through but her bra could be make out "Uhm can you wait for me? I'll go and buy some clothes over there"

"No I'll walk like this. It's ok" Ferine bowed to him

"No please I insist. Even if you leave when I buy clothes, I'll run after you" Hairo said

Ferine smiled at Hairo "Then at the very least please make it black"

"Ok!" Hairo ran away

Ferine sat down and squeezed her hair dry

"...No use talking to her. She's probably going to do something like this again but I'm more concerned about my powers. I don't want to keep being with Ferine but she does dangerous stuff that will bring too much attention to me and my family... I hate it but I probably need to experiment a little on how I can know when exactly I can't use my powers.. is it just when she says not to?.. her guardian spirit must be powerful.."

Ferine glanced a bit at Kusuo before looking away

(2 minutes later)

"I'm back!!!!! I came as fast as I can!" Hairo said as he ran back with bags of clothes. His own clothes were still wet "It was good I came across Kaidou who was going to cram school, otherwise the shop keeper wouldn't allow me. Kaidou bought the clothes but I told him to pick something black for you, Ferine"

"Thank you" Ferine said

"Thanks" Kusuo said

"There's a public bathroom just over there... But we would have to walk and there are lots of people at the park" Hairo said "I'll make a distraction so you can go without getting looked a"

"I really don't mind being looked at for just a few moments" Ferine started walking

"No! I'll make a distraction!" Hairo quickly ran ahead

Ferine smiled "What a diligent man. I like this guy"

"You like him over Teruhashi?" Kusuo asked

"Oh, so you have a crush on her despite hearing what might be narcissistic and selfish thoughts on her mind contrary to her so called perfect outer self" Ferine said

"I don't have a crush on her. That's exactly why I don't like her either. How do you even know that?"

"Addams intuition"

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