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It's morning right before going to school, Kusuo looked as Ferine made three bento lunches, two were in regular bento and one was in a bowl probably to be mixed around in her dog bowl later

Recently Ferine volunteered to make her own lunch and made Kusuo while she's at it. She didn't want to trouble her host mom too much, although Kusuo's mom is a housewife, she does still have a life outside the house and even attend neighborhood meetings, occasionally outing with friend, or just some casual shopping

Ferine said she understood her position a little bit because even though they're grandparents have a butler, they're both retired and the butler is quiet old too. And since Ferine is one of the younger, able bodied people in the home, she did a lot of household chores. Although it soon got taken over by a relative, Margaret, along with her family took over after Ferine went to work for Kusuke

"..Why did you make three? There's only you and me"

"Me, you, and Hairo~" Ferine said

"Hairo?" Kusuo looked down and saw her making what looks to be the one for Hairo. She's putting more meat on there

"We never paid him for the clothes, and why not? He's kind isn't he?" Ferine smiled and noticed Kusuo looking at the bento "I put a lot of meat for Hairo but I made some dessert for you Kusuo"

"Hn.." Kusuo stared as Ferine just went back to the bento lunches and putting lids on them. Kusuo decided to use his powers on Ferine and levitated her

"Oh" Ferine said as she floated a few feet of the ground. She didn't seemed annoyed, she looked relaxed

"..hm.. it's working" Kusuo thought

Ferine grinned "This is nice. I've been cooking since early this morning. It's comfortable"

Kusuo tried to teleport Ferine but it wasn't working "...so is it only if she wants it? Or maybe it depends on her happiness? Well not her, maybe what her guardian spirit would think make her happy.... I need to talk to Toritsuka, he should be back today.. if only I could've teleported yesterday but I can't.. well someone had to finish the coffee jelly..."

Ferine floated down even without Kusuo putting her down with his powers "Lets go to school now"

(Time skip)

When Ferine arrived at school grounds people were talking about her. Some searched on the internet about the Addams family and they all started talking

Ferine didn't seem bothered at all

Kusuo walked away from Ferine to approach Toritsuka, an esper who can see ghosts "Hey you, I need to talk to you, come with me now"

"Wha-" Toritsuka was half asleep and didn't even listen to half of what Kusuo said. Before he could process it he got pulled away

"Hm?" Hairo arrived at school and saw a bunch of people whispering and pointing at Ferine

"Hairo! You didn't eat lunch at the cafeteria yesterday right? Let me tell you about that girl" A friend of his quickly explained the situation, he told him all about what Ferine said yesterday at the cafeteria, and what they searched about the Addams family

"Huh?!" Hairo asked, he thought Ferine was just a little weird

"So don't approach her"

"We shouldn't just do that-"

"Hairo!" Ferine walked over to him

"Oh hello Ferine. Anyways as I was saying-"

"Hairo. Thank you for the clothes you bought us yesterday. We never got to repay you, and we troubled you quiet a bit didn't we?.Here I made it. A bento. Please have it. I insist" Ferine handed Hairo a homemade lunch

"Y-you really didn't have to.. but thank you" Hairo accepted it for now "Ferine your situation-"

"Let's walk together to class?" Ferine asked

"..ok but as I was saying Ferine-"

"Let's go" Ferine held Hairo's arm and pulled him along

"P-please let me finish what I'm saying. Ferine I am going to fix the misunderstanding. It won't be in an instant but I'll do my best I swear to you" Hairo said

"No need. I yelled it out on the cafeteria on purpose. It's a great way to know who I wanna try being friends with" Ferine said "I'm surprised you weren't there"

"No. I was out helping a club at the time" Hairo said

( At the side of the school)

Kusuo explained his concerns about Ferine's guardian spirit to Toritsuka

"A guardian spirit with psychic powers... I guess I can see that happening.. evil spirits can sometimes move things but let's see. Who is she?" Toritsuka asked

"New classmate. You were absent yesterday. She even stole your seat" Kusuo peeked to the front of the school where Ferine stood talking to Hairo. Kusuo pointed at Ferine "There she is. With Hairo"

Toritsuka looked over at Ferine, he flinched and gasped "Damn. That's... gruesome.. guardian spirit.. don't look like that... they usually take a more.. cleaner look like an appearance they had before they died.. but hers looks literally bloody.."

"What?" Kusuo held Toritsuka's shoulder, Kusuo used his powers to tap into Toritsuka's power a little bit so he can take a look at it as well

Behind Ferine there floated a lady in a white dress dripping in blood from the head like she was splashed with blood. Ferine's guardian spirit turned to look at Toritsuka and Kusuo

Kusuo didn't want to admit it but Ferine's guardian spirit has quiet the presence

Toritsuka looked as Ferine's guardian spirit turned to look at them but suddenly appeared right Infront of them like she teleported "Ah!"

"Why are you scared? You're a medium. Have you never done exorcism?" Kusuo asked

"This spirit is on another level-"


"...." Toritsuka and Kusuo looked at the spirit warily, her eyes bloodshot and her screams feel painful

"Be warned" The spirit growled


Before Kusuo and Toritsuka responded they blinked and found themselves standing in front of a moving train. Kusuo quickly grabbed Toritsuka and teleported them away to the side

"....This is the first spirit I knew that could use powers like that...unless that was you?"

"That wasn't me" Kusuo bit his lip, there are a lot of inconvenient annoyances around the world but he actually thinks that Ferine's guardian spirit is a problem for him

"...I should probably not mess with Ferine then.. If her guardian spirit is stronger than you then I definitely don't have a chance. She can have my desk whatever" Toritsuka said. He looked at his hands, he was shivering "..Saiki, I don't think exorcising that spirit is a good idea..."

Saiki k: Hosting an AddamsWhere stories live. Discover now