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Ferine walked on another park alone, the sounds of bombs going further away as her parents led the authorities away

"...Are you spying on me Kusuo?"

Nobody answered but Ferine knew that Kusuo is watching her right now

"..You must be sleepy right now. Care to listen to my rambling?"

Ferine is still met with silence

"I'm sorry" Ferine walked over to a bench and lied down "I'm not sorry over what I said, but more on how I said it. The timing was off, your family was there and I even insulted you.. you're not boring ..not too much at least"

(Saiki household)

Kusuo rolled his eyes at her, he really is watching and listening in on her with his powers

(The park)

"If you decide to still hate your powers and eventually get rid of it then ..ok.. I can't really force you on that. I just think it's a big shame, you really want to get rid of it to blend in with the crowd and just be an existence? There's unique things about everyone, and you have something unique too, it's just a little extra but never in a bad way. Sadly most people hide it because they want to appear the same as everyone else. I honestly don't get that so I'm quiet sad that you're trying to be like that" Ferine sighed

(Saiki household)

Kusuo sighed and lied down "..It's not like I want to be literally like everyone else... just average.."

(The park)

"Even average people have something different about them"


A can flew over and hit her on the head

"Hehe. Are you upset that I'm kinda reading your mind? I swear I can't read minds. I'm just assuming what you might be thinking" Ferine sighed and stood up to pick the can up and throw it away before she started walking again "...Being with your family is nice though. I've always wanted something like this. Unlike the rest of my family, I don't actually have any friends outside the Addams clan which is just filled with my relatives. I haven't gone outside the town much either because I used to take care my grandparents a lot and can't go away for too long. Now that one of my relatives are taking care of them.. I honestly didn't know what to do.. saw Kusuke asking for a labrat. I just went since it seems interesting, but I do want to make some deep connection, friends that are like family or something"

Ferine stopped walking and looked up in the direction of the Saiki house

"It's true that I came here because I was interested in your powers but if that were only the case I wouldn't have asked Kusuke to live with you guys. I wanted to be hosted because I wanted a more familial setting.. I love my own family, but my own parents are always away, my brother is rarely here, and my grandparents although they raised me, they're quiet old now, can't do the stuff they used to do and quiet frankly they pay more attention to eachother... I like your family Kusuo, your parents.. well I guess they also pay more attention to eachother"

(Saiki household)

Kusuo grinned a little "Well that's kinda right. It's so cringe too"

"It's nice because it also reminds me of my grandparents but they also have their own thing going on. I like you and our friends too, they're nice and all of these are all refreshing" Ferine said "I'll come back tomorrow, I don't exactly regret my words too much, although I'm still the one at fault here, I'll accept whatever decision you make tomorrow Kusuo. I'll be happy either way" Ferine chuckled "Sorry for keeping you up. And sorry for this talk, I don't normally talk about stuff like this too much, it's just a special day"

"..." Kusuo sighed. Ferine didn't talk to him after that, but he did watch her till she finds a place to stay for the night which was a hotel that actually looks expensive

(Time skip)

The next morning, Kusuo found his mom in the kitchen, "Mama, is Ferine's back yet?"

"Not yet, Ku-chan. Why?" Mama looked at her son with a hint of concern

Kusuo shrugged nonchalantly, "Just thinking... she's not all wrong, you know"

Mama and Papa exchanged a glance "Ku-chan, are you sure?" Mama Saiki asked gently. "After yesterday, it might not be the best idea... She's quiet.. uhm.. how do I describe her?"

Kusuo sighed but he spoke with a firm voice like he was sure "Yeah, I know. s
She sees odd, weird, annoying, and a pain, but I think.. I want to keep her around for a little while.. she's ok"

(Time skip)

When Ferine finally showed up later that afternoon, she found Kusuo waiting for her. She met his gaze, she grinned like there was no tension whatsoever "So, Kusuo. Am I out? Just tell me now so I can pack"

Kusuo shook his head "No, you're not going anywhere, Ferine. But don't think this means I agree with everything you said. I just... Realized that... You may be right.. on some parts... Even though I don't want this ..I may or may not rely too much on my powers... There are certainly some events where I could have let stuff happened but.. for my own convenience..I used my powers"

"So what will you do now?"

"You think I'm going to change because of you? No way. I'm still using my powers and continuing to hide it.. although I'm ...going to consider your words.." Kusuo looked away

Ferine chuckled "I guess considering my words is something big for you huh? Well whatever, thanks for letting me stay. Sorry for the inconvenience again"

Kusuo sighed as Ferine bowed her head to him "You really are so annoying and inconsistent"

"You looked like you stayed up late" Ferine said, knowing he was spying on her when she left

"...I didn't"

"You're a liar"

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