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It's now lunch time so almost everyone including Ferine went over there to have lunch

Students looked as Ferine is eating with a dog bowl, she looked elegant picking up things with her chopsticks but still.. dog bowl


Ferine looked up as Nendou approached her with Kaidou, Kusuo, and a purple haired guy

"Hey pal's roomie!" Nendou waved his hand at her

Ferine smiled "I do not room with Kusuo, I just live with him. But nice to see you Nendou"

"Nice to see you again too!" Nendou said

"Hi Ferine" Kaidou said "How's the dark forces?"

"Hello Kaidou. I didn't join. My grandmother did. They seek out a hellish crusade or whatever. I can give you contact if you want"

".....uhm....I'll think about it.... anyways, this is our friend and fellow classmate" Kaidou gestured to the other guy "Kuboyasu Aren"

"Hello" The purple haired guy named Kuboyasu said

"Nice to meet you, please sit" Ferine looked over at Kusuo who kept quiet

"Why did she bring the dog bowl? Now everyone is looking at her table and if I sit there everyone will look at me but if I don't there might be rumors about me not getting along with her and people might ask why or whatever-"

"Kusuo" Ferine said

Kusuo sighed

"Sorry, I actually see that girl from class about to join, can you sit at the table next to us? We see each other at home, I'd like to meet her too. Sorry" Ferine said

Kusuo looked behind him and saw his classmate, Teruhashi, approaching the table "...Oh no yeah. No problem it's your first day"

"Thank goodness. I did not want to be there" Kusuo sighed in relief internally

"Hello. I'm Teruhashi" Teruhashi greeted "Saiki must be lonely so I'll sit next to him-"

"Oh please sit here I insist. I asked him to go there because I actually wanted to offer you a seat here. Rest assured about Kusuo, I'll make him some snacks later" Ferine smiled "This is just for today"

"..well ok then" Teruhashi said "Argh! I wanted to sit next to him, but oh well I can sit here and gauge you"

"Yes! Alone!" Kusuo ate in peace

"So Ferine. What's that? Did they gave you that?" Nendou pointed at the dog bowl while Teruhashi sat down "Are the school cooks bullying you?"

"This is a present from Kusuo's parents, I like eating in bowls better, specifically dog bowls. It's just nostalgic" Ferine said

"Nostalgic?" Teruhashi asked

"Ah, you might not know but the Addams family is very infamous" Kaidou said but flinched and looked at Ferine who glanced at him"S-sorry I didn't mean to say this in front of-"

"It's ok. I don't mind" Ferine said "I'll say it for you since you seem shy"


Ferine stood up and jumped on the table, knocking over her plate of food at the drinks on the table. The ones around her table and everyone else looked at her "The Addams family is a lovely and infamous family! Most people know it as macabre kind of family, and I don't mind that at all, but we have famous people! one of the famous Addams is my uncle! Pubert Addams! He has been recently known for testing out various electric chairs from different time periods! He posted it on the internet and became viral! The Addams have recently been discovering the internet, my other relatives have stabbed, buried alive someone, poured molten acid on people who sing annoying Christmas jingles at the front door! and so many more fun stuff! But the most fun of all is our family of course! We all have the same cemetery and even talk to those who passed! Isn't that great!? That's the family I am apart of! Loving one another and being honest to ourselves! I'm proud of it!"

"......" The ones on her table and the other people stared at her. They did not know what to say with that

"Why did she have to do this?" Kusuo sighed as some people also looked at him because people know they live together

Ferine jumped down and looked at Kuboyasu "Actually since earlier I have been feeling some kind of bloodlust within you. I like it very much, wanna fight?"

"What? No-"

"I can fight. You don't believe me?"

"I don't want to fight anymore" Kuboyasu said

Ferine smiled "All right then. Hard to force when I felt your sincerity"

"So... Ferine.. the Addams is.. a family of serial killers?" Nendou asked

"Oh that's just a rumor. Relatives that are actually serial killers are not that many. Most actually had something to do with some kind of business like, factories, mines, farm, some kind of investment.. or other jobs"

"... Actually.. I heard that despite the reputation.. the Addams are very rich.. like really rich" Kaidou said

"Ooh! You're a rich girl?" Nendou asked but the dog bowl caught his eye again "...Oh uh.. you really don't seem like it"

"I know someone that does. The other transfer student that was supposed to be here. Teruhashi, he actually told me he came here for you" Ferine said

"Me?" Teruhashi asked "Fufufu another man wrapped around my finger. I know I'm popular but I never had someone transfer here.. or did I? I think some did"

"Yeah but I'm apparently his type so when he wanted me and stabbed my hand but he was just a little boring for me" Ferine said

"Hm! Someone who fell for me fell out of love then fell for her?! She's probably lying but it's ok, she's just jealous and I know the moment he sees me, he will fall more for me" Teruhashi thought

"Is she joking?" Kuboyasu looked at her hand which has a fresh wound "...Maybe she isn't?"

"...." Nendou isn't thinking

"..I didn't tell them how rich the Addams is.. well nobody but the Addams truly knows but it's speculated to be in.. multi.. million maybe more not including vaults of treasure apparently.... If she's saying that the other transfer student is rich then he must be some well know guy with some name right? I wonder who it is? And why are these really rich kids enrolling in this school?!" Kaidou thought

Kusuo used his powers to read their minds "Muli million? If she's that rich, why is she being hosted by us? Shouldn't she just buy her house... Well Kuusuke still offered her and the Addams are still known to be kooky... Whatever she gives me snacks anyway"

".." Ferine glanced at Kusuo. She looked back to the group and smiled "Ah by the way. You are Teruhashi?'

"Yes" Teruhashi smiled, her smile so bright it blinded some people "Hehe check on my smile. Everyone will be like oh the goddess is talking to the weirdo, see how perfect I am?"

"I don't like you" Ferine said


"Yeah. I don't like you. I can just feel how different you are from what you're showing and I don't like it. Or rather. I don't like this side of you. I think you're disgusting" Ferine said

"....she's digging her own grave ..I have tons of fans that will definitely give her a hard time" Teruhashi faked a slightly upset look "...Sorry.."

"Don't be! You're amazing"

"Huh? What is she on about? Pick one. Disgusting or amazing?" Teruhashi looked at her in confusion

"You have incredible acting. You're living it, it's incredible. My aunt Wednesday showed me some of her acting skills for various situation she was forced into such as an old video of a camp play at one point. She became even more incredible as she got older but you're amazing. Still not as great as my aunt but you almost had me fooled" Ferine clapped at Teruhashi"I give you praise, you're disgusting and amazing. So I guess hate is a strong word. I only dislike you a little bit"


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