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Kusuo looks as Ferine made three bento lunches. One for him, for her, and ..for Hairo.... again

Kusuo spied on them yesterday when they went on a date. Last night at dinner Ferine weirdly grinned at Kusuo so he knows that for some reason she knows he was spying on her but was strangely happy at the behavior

"Kusuo. Teleport me, a few feet to where Hairo is right now" Ferine demanded

"....No.. why would I?" Kusuo asked

Ferine smiled at him "I thought you wanted to atone for spying. It seems you don't have any guilt towards it so you're just like your brother after all"

"I am not!" Kusuo teleported himself and Ferine on the side of the school building as Hairo was entering school early to help out a sport club "And I do feel guilt"

"Your lies are like blood red stains in a white dress" Ferine chuckled

"W-what do you mean it's obvious? I'm not lying" Kusuo said

"Stay there Kusuo. I'll just give this to Hairo" Ferine walked away

"Hn I don't want to. I'm going back" Kusuo tried to teleport away but couldn't. He looked back as Ferine jogged her way to Hairo "...Argh... this is so annoying"


Hairo looked and saw Ferine jogging to him "Ferine? It's so early! Why are you here? Only clubs that need to gather are this early"

"I came to give you this lunch" Ferine said "You said you were going to assist them on their tournament today but we can't leave you out right?"

"Oh.. thanks.." Hairo blushed a little

"This too" Ferine handed him a shrunken head keychain "For good luck"

"...I see... Thanks" Hairo seriously did not know if this was real or not.. but she still prepared it for him so he feels a little joy in that since she put in the effort to give him this. But he would probably put in inside the bag instead of letting it hang outside for everyone to see "...Thank you Ferine.. I'll be a little busy so don't text me for a while"

"Good luck. Let's celebrate when you win or lose"

"We will definitely win!"

(Time skip)

Ferine walked towards Kusuo who just leaned on the wall. Unable to teleport back earlier "Let's go Kusuo"

Kusuo sighed "Why do you even like that guy?"

"What is it to you?"

Kusuo teleported them back to the house "Teleport there then back here? Can't you just stay there? It's at school anyways"

"I still have to finish your dessert"

"I see" Kusuo nodded "Great choice"

Ferine rolled her eyes at him "You know Kusuo, I have a feeling. But you must be sore loser right?"

"Huh? What on earth do you mean by that?" Kusuo felt genuinely offended by that

"You have powers, and your goal is to not stand out, to be perfectly average but that would mean manipulating a lot of things just to do that. You never actually lost at a game have you? You always lose when you want to. You manipulate it" Ferine said while popping some coffee jelly out of their mold and putting in a separate smaller bento box for Kusuo. She also put some chilled whipped cream on a little container "Maybe you're also a control freak. Isn't that why you're so irritated at what happens when you're with me? Because you can't control the situation?"

"No. You're wrong"

"Stop lying you're not good at it" Ferine cleaned up the kitchen

"I am not!" Kusuo crossed his arms at her

"Want to play a game?"

"...I am not going to let you manipulate me, I know what this is, you're asking to play a game with some weird condition that I can't use my powers and there's this weird thing I have to do when I lose" Kusuo chuckled and sat down on the couch, he turned the t.v on to drown out some awkward silence between their dialogue "You're not fooling me"

"Hehe, for someone who says they want to be normal, you sure rely too much on those powers, you're not even the slightest bit confident you can win without it?" Ferine wiped her hands clean and walked over to Kusuo

"..What is your deal right now? You were so giddy and stuff with Hairo. Do you need me to do something? What? Just tell me?" Kusuo sighed. He was tempted to turn the volume up but wouldn't want to alert his mother who was working on the garden

"I also like a guy that admits defeat but oh well, I do need you to do something" Ferine said

"You could have started with that"

"Let me talk"

"..." Kusuo looked at her

"..." Ferine smiled

"What?" Kusuo asked

"Nothing" Ferine walked to the stairs "I just wanted to mess with you. It's not like there are a lot of things you can do for me that I can't do normally. I don't have much of a need for other stuff anyways"

"....Are you just trying to annoy me?"

"Gosh Kusuo you're boring. I thought I'd get an interesting reaction. At least with Hairo, something always happens so it's nice" Ferine said "Unlike you. Maybe that's why I like him better. He's not boring"


" Thank you for this conversation, I was very slightly entertained" Ferine giggled "Sorry I shouldn't compare to you someone. After all, you're special in your own way. Or maybe not because you don't want to be special. I guess you're average in your own way hahaha"

The little laugh at the end was very monotone that it just made Kusuo look at her weirdly as she went up the stairs to get her bag

"..What is up with her? She's just crazy. I should really get rid of her... But I can't and it's annoying... I can't use my powers because of her damn guardian spirit... I can't even try to get rid of her guardian spirit. Ferine's guardian spirit is way more annoying and my powers don't even work.. argh so annoying"

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