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3rd Person POV

Nick groans loudly as he carries his backpack full of filming supplies to the van. He rolls his eyes as he sees his two menace brothers in the car, along with Y/N. The two boys up front look impatient, but Y/N steps out of the car and grabs the small case he holds, freeing his hands so he can fully hike the backpack up his shoulders.

"Shit, you good Nick?" Chris says as he notices the girl get out and help, Nick rolls his eyes at his brother who clearly only cares about him when his girlfriend cares about him. 

"Oh yeah Chris, just fucking Dandy." Y/N laughs as she opens the trunk and shoves the bag she holds into the back, moving out of the way so Nick can do the same with his backpack. "Thank you," Nick laughs before the two hops into the car. 

Matt sets up the camera above the radio and AC and presses the record.


"Ok so basically what you're saying is you would pick FUCKING BUTTERSCOTCH over HOT FUDGE?!" Nick screams in anger, clearly disagreeing with Matt's confession. Mathew begins laughing loudly, finding it hard to breathe.

Meanwhile, Chris looks back at the girl sitting behind him. He notices her eyes wide, and her breathing unsteady. The four of them had been recording for at least an hour and a half, and he could tell she was becoming overwhelmed. "Guys can we finish up, it's getting late," Chris says cryptically, hiding the reason behind stopping the camera.

"Yeah," Matt says quickly, before saying an outro and doing his typical scream into the camera.

The car goes quiet for a second as they all plug in their seatbelts, Y/N continuing to be silent.


I felt like I couldn't breathe, and what made it worse was Chris going out of his way to make me feel comfortable. 

I've never liked people stopping their usual tasks to help me. 

 I feel selfish.

I keep noticing Chris look into the mirror above his head to look back at me.

a pit of anxiety continues to make its way through my stomach, and my hands start to shake.

People say, "ADHD is my superpower." and sometimes it is, but this is not one of those 'Sometimes' experiences.

The small talk in the car is drowned out by my own thoughts as I snap my fingers, a nervous tic I formed in my early teens. 

And once Chris hears that first snapping noise, I can tell he's becoming antsy. I can't help but feel guilty...

I've ruined his night.

It feels like decades that we've been driving, but finally, we make it back to their house, Matt parking in the driveway.

As soon as the car is turned to park, I open the door to the car and take a breath of fresh air. Chris hurries out behind me and picks me up quickly.

"I'm going to bed!" he yells to the boys behind him.

I feel safe enough now to cry into his chest as he carries me to his bedroom.

"Oh baby," Chris sighs, he feels bad for me. He holds my head to his chest as he sits down on the bed.

"I'm sorry." I sob softly into his chest, he shakes his head pulling me away to look him in the eyes.

"Don't you dare apologize, it's not your fault." he pets my hair softly, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"But I ruined the video, that's more important," I say gently, tears still flowing down my face just softer now.

"No baby you are what's important right now," Chris assures, wiping the tears from my eyes. 

Tears continue flowing down my face, as it becomes harder to breathe.

"It's gonna be okay," he says softly, pulling me back into his chest "Take deep breaths." I do as he says, and attempt a deep breath.

"Good," he coos, swiping his thumb across my cheek gently. "Do you need anything?" He asks kindly.

"Just keep holding me." He nods and does just that, continuing to pet my hair as I drift off to sleep in his arms.


I groan softly as my eyes open, I glance in front of me noticing Chris still in an upright position, but asleep nonetheless. "Shit," I mutter.

Chris inhales deeply as he opens his eyes, he looks down at me with a tired smile.

"I'm sorry." I'm quick to utter, before attempting to get up but he pulls me back down, groaning with defiance.

"Why are you saying sorry? You don't have to." Chris assures me, but I don't believe him as I shake my head.

"No I do, I made you sleep upright all night. That couldn't have been comfortable." I ramble.

"I was asleep was i not?" Chris says, "Trust me, it was fine. Perfect even." I look at him with my head tilted in confusion.

"How was it perfect?" I ask, clearly not understanding.

"Cause lives always bliss when I have you in my arms baby."

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