Matt-Passenger Princess

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A/N: this is inspired by all the passenger princess' on tik tok, but it's kinda cringe.

Y/N sits on her couch, book in hand as she waits for her boyfriend Matt to pick her up. She flinches as her phone starts ringing. She looks at the caller ID and its Matt, she smiles to herself and picks up the phone.

"Hey Princess, I'm here." Matt says, smile apparent in his voice. The girl smiles before nodding,

"Alright I'll be out in a second." She grabs her shoes before running out the door, and toward the car.

Y/N steps into the front seat and smiles at her boyfriend, he smiles back and leans over for a kiss.

"Hi princess." Matt speaks softly,

"Hi Mathew." The girl laughs softly, Matt backs out of the driveway slowly, and then starts driving down the road.

"Can I have Aux?" Y/N asks, grabbing Matt's phone before he even answers making him laugh.

"Yes you can have Aux." he confirms, the girl searches her playlist up and clicks shuffle, before reaching over and turning her seat warmer on high.

"It's 80 degrees." Matt laugh, reaching to turn it off but she hits him away.

"Well the AC is cold so I want to be warm." She declares, propping her feet on the dash. She then reaches for Matt's hand and places it on her knee, her music blast through the speaker as they drive the streets.

"Can we get Starbucks?" The girl questions, making Matt nod and change directions.

(This is really short, but I was bored and wanted this to be a little short part 😭😭)

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