Chris - This is my rink

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"Boys I'm sorry to say but the generator that keeps the ice rink frozen is broken." Coach Reynolds says, looking at all the college boys in front of him. They all collectively groan, and Chris and Matt make eye contact giving the other an equally annoyed look.

"So are we just going into this season with zero training, coach?" A teammate, Anthony, calls out.

"No, luckily I've arranged something with our ice skating competition team and their coach has decided to let us play on their rink." The boys collectively groan again, they're gonna have to share a rink?! "Some days we will have to share half of the rink, and on their off days we will have the rink to ourselves and we are gonna treat it with the utmost respect. Do I make myself clear?" Coach glances at all the boys expectedly.

"Yes, coach!" They all say in unison, and they then are dismissed the majority of them leaving.

Chris walks up to the coach, being the team captain he thought he should have an opinion on this.

"Coach?" He walks up behind the man, and he turns around looking at Chris in confusion. "Sorry if this is inappropriate, but don't we have the funds to rent a rink out for a few hours?"

"No Chris, lord knows the hockey team isn't funded enough to rent out a rink. That would be blowing a hundred a day." The coach seeths, a wrinkle between his eyebrow. Chris nods, throwing a quick 'sorry coach' over his shoulder as he walks out the metal doors.



Y/N Co-captain of the ice skating team glances at the large group of boys in hockey uniforms, confusion evident in her expression.

"Coach? What is going on?" The coach looks up from her clipboard and glances at the girl in front of her.

"Oh yes! How could I forget? The hockey team's rink is almost a swimming pool right now so they're joining us temporarily while their issue gets fixed. Now get out there." Coach Dawson excuses, Y/N's face is contorted into annoyance as she looks at the group of guys standing awkwardly on the rubber ground. They're clearly unsure what to do until one steps up. 

He has long brunette hair swooped in his blue eyes. 'Damn' Y/N thinks, before shaking her head and remembering 'He's on my turf.'

"Alright everyone, left side of the rink let's go! Warm-ups!" Chris claps, he then grabs his helmet off the bench and pushes his hair backward out of his face before pulling his helmet over his head. Brown locks trickle out the back of his helmet as he jumps over the wall and carefully onto the ice. His skates slam onto the ice and he skates his way over to the net placed near the wall on the left side. His teammates start to follow and trickle in.

Y/N's eyes are pulled away from the attractive guy and onto her partner as he nudges her side.

"When the hell did that get decided," Liam says, eyes furrowed in confusion.

"I don't know, 'cause I didn't get an opinion." Y/N says, clearly frustrated at her coach, "Now we are gonna have to tighten our tricks and our lifts." She realizes this with a groan, she fixes her leg warmers before gracefully jumping over the wall and onto the ice. She makes her way to the unoccupied side of the rink and starts practicing her turns. 

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