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Y/N falls victim to the sassy boyfriend apocalypse.

"Matt I made you waffles." Y/N yells, Matt walks down the stairs with his arms crossed over his chest.

'Here comes the attitude' Y/N thinks to herself as he walks enters the kitchen.

"Is there whipped cream?" Matt asks, sitting himself on one of the stools.

"Um, no." The girl says cautiously, making Matt sigh and roll his eyes.

"Girl," he sticks up his hand, "don't tell me there's waffles when there's no whipped cream."


Matt and Y/N lay in bed, Matt almost completely on top of her.

"Matt get up, I need to pee." The girls says softly, trying to nudge her off him. He just shakes his head and pushes his head further into her neck. The girl laughs softly to herself, "Matthew please, I need to go." Matt sighs aggressively, before getting off the top of her. He sits cross cross, a pout on his face his arms crossed.

He rubs his eyes tiredly as you leave for the bathroom.

When you come back he immediately pulls you back down on the bed with a whine.

"So sassy." The girl says with a laugh.


"What do you want for dinner?" Matt asks, typing on his phone.

"Um, how about Chinese take out?" Y/N suggests, Matt glances at her through the corner of his eyes.

"Queen please." Y/N's jaw drops with a laugh at his attitude.


"Can we please do a face mask baby?" Matt asks, holding up a black peel off mask, Y/N shakes her head looking up from her computer.

"I can't right now baby." The girl says making Matt groan, the girl laughs to herself at the boy.

"Please baby, I want to do it." He pouts at the girl, before opening the tube, putting some on his finger, and wiping it across her cheek. He laughs evilly to himself. "Now you have to do it with me.


Matt walks ahead of Y/N down a hall way, his hips shaking back and forth in a little dance.

"Baby, record me dancing." He says, glancing back at his girlfriend, who reluctantly pulls out her phone and records.

This kinda bad but idc 😍

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