Chris- Purposely Envious

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Chris stares across the room at the girl he's been crushing on since he was 8, she sits beside her "Friend" He presumed they like each other even though Y/N has told Chris she had feelings for him.

"I like you, Chris, I really like you. But after that relationship with James...I want to take it slow." She had said.

Chris sighs at the thought but looks at the close proximity between her and her "Friend" and decided he would do something about it. He looks around the room at the partygoers, all of them dancing sloppily and sweating. He makes eye contact with a girl, Ava, who has proved multiple times she has a "Thing" for him. 

He sighs, 'Am I really about to do this?' he nods to himself, 'I have to know if Y/N still has feelings for me.' He walks over to Ava, making sure Y/N sees him before making his move.

"Hey Ava, wanna make out?" Chris asks casually, before cringing at the feeling in his stomach, almost like its screaming "DON'T FUCKING DO IT!" but he ignores it as she nods excitedly and pulls herself close to him.

He turns them around, so he can have a clear view of Y/N. She sits watching them, her conversation with her friend now over as tears well in her eyes at the sight of them. She excuses herself before walking out of the room, into a bathroom.

"Shit, get off me," Chris speaks, pushing Ava off him. She whines as she stumbles backward.

"What the fuck Chris, don't you like me?" 

"Fuck no."


Y/N sits on the closed toilet seat, heavy tears flooding down her face as she sobs. 'I thought he liked me.' She thinks to herself, she grabs a few sheets of toilet paper and wipes her running nose as a knock sounds on the door.

"Hey, n/n you in there?" a familiar voice sounds from the outside of the door, and Y/N lets out another sob at just the sound.

"Shit princess, please let me in. I'm so sorry." He says Y/N stands up to open the door and his eyes frantically gaze across her tear-stained face. He sighs sadly at the sight, "Hey, hey I'm sorry, I'm an asshole. Just let me explain." Chris closes the door and locks it behind him. He pulls the girl into his arms, hands sliding around her waist as she cries into his shoulder.

"Do you not like me then?" She sobs, Chris sighs another sad sigh and shakes his head.

"No, it's kinda the opposite actually. I saw you on the couch with that guy and I thought you didn't like me. So to see how you would react I...I made out with Ava." Y/N smacks his shoulder softly.

"Why didn't you just talk to me? I would have told you how I feel. I still love you."  

"You do? I guess I was to chicken to ask. I have never been so sorry in my whole life." Chris says, grabbing the back of the girl's head with his hand, securing her more into the space between his neck and shoulder.

"I understand I guess. This wouldn't have happened if I just made you my boyfriend in the first place." Y/N says regretfully.

"Hey, you should never feel rushed. Especially if you're not ready." 

"But Chris, that's the problem...I think I'm ready."

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