Matt - Wisdom Teeth

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Matt sits next to Y/N in the back seat of the car, Nick and Chris sit and the middle and Marylou driving. Matt's knee moves up and down stressfully, making Y/N look over at him and place her hand down on his knee.

"It's gonna be ok I promise." She assures, making Matt nod hesitantly.

"Mathew Sturniolo?" The nurse walks out, looking down at her clip board, then up the the patients in the waiting room.

Matt stands up, and sticks his hand into the air in a wave. "Hello." He says shyly, glancing back at his girlfriend who blows him a gentle kiss.

"I love you, we'll see you when you get out." She says to him, making him nod before following the nurse into the room.

After the operation

"Mathew is ready for you to come see him." The nurse comes back out with a smile, making Y/N, Chris and Nick stand up quickly, Marylou right after.

They follow her into the room, where Matt lays on the little dentist bed.

"Hiiiiii guys!" Matt says cutely, he attempts to stick his finger into his mouth to feel his teeth, "they took my teeth away from me, I don't have my wisdom anymore." He says sadly.

Y/N laughs, "you're still very wise Matt, but you gotta keep your fingers out of your mouth."

Matt gasps at the sight of the girl, "my girlefrennnnn!" He reaches out his arms for a hug, and she gives It to him with a laugh.

He nods to the nurses, pointing a finger down at the girl cooly, "this ma girlfriend! The one I was telling you about earlier." He glances at her, putting a hand on her face sloppily, "she really pretty!" He says, making everyone laugh, and Y/N's cheeks redden.

"Alright Matt we gotta go sign you out so we can go home!" Marylou says excitedly, making Matt clap, then frown.

"Does that mean I can't see my nurse friends anymore." Matt says, glancing at his mom.

"You'll see them again Matt I promise." She says, glancing to Y/N, "think you can stay with him while I sign paper work." She nods, making Marylou smile and exit the room.

"Alright Matt we are gonna put you in your wheelchair!" The nurse feigns excitement making Matt clap in excitement.

He gets lowered into the chair, laughing happily. "In the streets they call me wheelie." He mutters, attempting to tilt the chair back into a wheelie, but Y/N stands behind it, pushing him along.

"Babeee, I'm trying to look cool."

"You always look cool Matt."

"Well thank you baby, I could say the same to you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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