Matty-"We all knew but you."

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Y/N walks out of the Walmart with her hair dye and glove in her tote bag. She walks to the car, slightly regretting her decision to even buy the hot pink dye in the first place. She pulls her phone out of her pocket to text the one person she knew wouldn't judge her for her decision.

'Hey, Matt can you help me dye my hair?' She texts she looks down at the typing bubble that immediately shows up and smiles at his speedy reply, especially at 11:45. 

'Yah come over.' She puts the key in her car and pulls out of the parking space.


Y/N parks by the curb and opens her car door, making her way toward the front door. She knocks once, and nobody answered. She knocks again, 'Shit they are all probably asleep' she thinks to herself, her hands shaking in anticipation. She knocks once more, and finally, she hears noises coming towards the door. 

"What do you want, It's 12:00," Chris says, rubbing his eyes. Y/N looks behind him at all the pillows and blankets on the couch. She lets out a laugh and then looks back at him.

"I'm just here to see Matt," Y/N says awkwardly. Chris nods excitedly, widens the opening of the door, and welcomes her inside. 

"What for?" Chris' mood heightens as he hears Matt's name out of her mouth.

"Um, I'm just dying my hair." She speaks suspiciously. 

Suddenly stomping sounds from upstairs, and makes their way down to the main floor. Nick is revealed from behind the wall and he begins speaking loudly. 

"Why are you both so loud?!" Nick looks at the two with wide eyes, he then realizes the girl's presence and smiles "What are you doing here?!" Nick says and then runs over to the girl and pulls her into a hug.  "But Chris you need to shut the fuck up," Nick says, pulling away and looking at his brother.  

Matt comes running down the stairs clearly annoyed at the loud noises coming from downstairs. He is about to yell at his brothers before noticing a girl, and his face changes from a frown to a smile. "Oh! You're here." Matt says, dragging the girl towards the stairs by her arm. "We are going upstairs," Matthew says over his shoulder. 


"Ok, how do we go about this?" Mathew says the two both have gloves on their hands now and Matt globs the dye on his hand and smacks it onto her scalp, Y/N gasps in shock putting her hand to her head and feeling around the dye on her head.

"Jesus Christ, Mathew." She laughs before putting the dye on her hand and doing the same thing to the left side of her hair.

Matt moves his way down the hair in the middle and gasps as he accidentally gets some on the side of her neck and he laughs at the small circle of dye on her skin. "Oop sorry," he says, pretending to go and wipe it up, but instead uses his dye-coated hand and wipes it along the side of her neck again, only this time leaving a larger spot on her neck. 

Y/N Gasps as she feels the coldness on her neck, "You bitch." she says, smacking him lightly in the face with her also dye-coated hands. His mouth opens in shock, and he laughs as he smacks her arm in dye. 

"What the hell are you hoes doing," Chris says, clearly exhausted, Nick follows in after him.

"Holy shit it's a mess!" Nick yells, glancing at the dye all over them.

"Guys go out, we'll be quieter." Matt groans in annoyance. He stands up and walks to the door to shut them out.

"I think we can wash my hair out now." Y/N laughs, standing up and making her way toward the bathroom.


Matt sits on the counter next to Y/N, admiring her drying her hair with her hair dryer. The hot pink looked phenomenal on the girl, and watching her makes him smile.

"Ok. All done." Y/N says putting her dryer down and looking at Matt. She begins to pack up her things and looks up at him. "ready to walk me to the door." Matt nods hastily and jumps down from the counter. The two make their way past Chris "asleep" on the couch.

Matt opens the door for the girl, and she steps out facing him to say goodbye.

"Thank you for helping me, I know it was out of the blue," Y/N Says, Matt smiles and nods,

"It was no problem really, call me anytime...for anything." Matt rushes through, and the shyness in his voice makes the girls smile.

"Can you guys just kiss already?" Chris groans, he sips a Pepsi in hand, and rolls his eyes.

Matt looks down at the girl and tilts his head, asking for consent. She nods, and he leans down to give her a kiss. Their lips meet in a soft, quick kiss and they both pull away with pink cheeks.

"Ew, Bleehhhhh I didn't mean in front of me, Please!" Chris says, faking a gag. 

"What did I fucking say about the volume!" Nick yells, before looking at the two at the door, then at Chris who still stands there with a grimace. 

"Wait, what did I miss?" Nick rushes.

"They had to kiss...right in front of me."

Matt turns around and smiles sheepishly at his brothers.

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